Wanted in the next 4 weeks: 3 people who want to change their lives and the lives of those around them.
Of course, nearly everybody wants to change their lives and/or those around them but not many are actually willing to do something about it. So, I guess I should say “Wanted in the next 4 weeks: 3 people who want to change their lives and the lives of those around them AND are brave enough to do something about it”!
I’m looking for people who want to supplement or even replace their existing income by becoming involved in a company that stresses making people feel better. How many people out there don’t like getting a personal greeting card in the mail? A card that says “Happy birthday”, “Happy anniversary” or “I was thinking of you”? Not many! Most people enjoy getting a card in the mail. Especially in this day of ecards, the personal touch is appreciated. Now you can make money by helping yourself and others make somebody’s day brighter. How? By becoming a SendOutCards distributor.

What do you do as a SendOutCards distributor? Is it difficult?

No, it’s not difficult at all. I’ll tell you what I do. I listen to a few conference calls a week from the company and my upline. I attend one or two network marketing events a week. And I try to meet one on one with 2 or 3 people I met at the networking events over the next couple of weeks.
I know some of you are saying “I don’t have time for conference calls”, “Networking events are a waste of time. Everyone is trying to sell you something” or “I hate talking to other people”. The conference calls last about 30 minutes each and are usually recorded so you can listen at your convenience. Networking events are about people helping other people, most of the people at networking events come across people who are looking for your service and are willing to share that information. Plus you can meet some wonderful people at networking events. I’ve met people like Kiera Rain, Dennis Beckman, Johnny Huang, Gregory Festo and Dan Walden at Meetup groups. Some are specifically for networking but others are for entertainment but you still usually can network with other members of that group. The hardest part for me is networking one on one. We usually meet in Starbucks and we each discuss our businesses and how we might be able to help the other person, either with our product or service or perhaps with helping them contact clients that we may know.
Does it work? It has for me. Over 80% of my customers I’ve met through networking groups and one on one meetings. But now I’m expanding my reach by blogging. I’ve been blogging for about a month and a half. Has it helped? Maybe. I think one of my more recent customers signed up at least partly because of my blog. Does somebody have to blog? No, you don’t…but it’s an extra channel for attracting new customers or associates. Which is what I’m trying to do now…find some associates who are looking for a full or part time business of their own.
What is SendOutCards? And how do I make money with them? SendOutCards is a revolutionary company that combines the high tech of the Internet with the high-touch of greeting cards received in the mail. You select and customize a greeting card online and then the company prints it, stuffs it in the envelope, addresses the envelope and mails it for you…usually the next day. Think of SendOutCards as the Netflix of the greeting card industry. On one of the conference calls last week a comment was made “From brick and mortar to click and order”. Just look at what’s happened to most of the video rental stores or the record stores. Most of them have closed because of Netfilx, iTunes or a similar online company. What’s going to happen to Hallmark when people stop going to the Hallmark stores because they can stay at their home, browse through a larger selection of cards (about 20,000 at this time and growing monthly) or even design their own card from scratch? Then the company will mail it for them. All at about 1/3 to 1/2 of the cost of a card that you drive across town for, look through the measly selection, take home, write a brief note, sign, stick it in the envelope, address and mail.
How do you make money with SendOutCards? There are two basic ways of making money with SOC. First is from commissions on cards that are sent by yourself and each of your customers, as well as the customers of people that you’ve sponsored, customers of people that they’ve sponsored, etc. down to 7 levels. That can add up to a decent amount of money. But how long will it take you to start making money from commissions? See my last blog post “Why network marketing?”. The other way of making money in SOC is by sponsoring other distributors. You get paid a bonus for every distributor you sign up that gets their first one or two customers (one $31/month subscription customer or two $9.80/month customers). The amount of your bonus depends on your level within the company.
So, how much does it cost to get started and how long will it take me to get my money back? It costs $395 to sign up as a Marketing Distributor. If you sign up your first one or two customers within your first 7 days you get a $50 quick start bonus and you advance to the level of Senior Distributor (which is where I am). As a Senior Distributor you receive $140 for each person that you sponsor who becomes a Senior Distributor. Sign up 3 Senior Distributors and become Q qualified (see my blog “7/30/Q = BDABB” ). At that point you get promoted to Manager and make larger bonuses. If you do this within your first 30 days you also become a Certified Trainer. So, in 30 days you can make a $50 fast start bonus plus $420 for your first 3 Senior Distributors  plus become a CT where you get paid at least $40 for each person that you train, for a total of $470 without having trained anybody yet. Even if you don’t make any of those milestones in your first 30 days, you’ll still make $420 when you sign up your first 3 Senior Distributors, plus if you’re Q qualified you’ll be promoted to Manager.
The company has given those of us already in the business the opportunity to join the 7/30/Q Club by accomplishing all of the above within a 30 day period. I just signed up a qualifying customer 2 days ago, so I have 28 days to sign up 3 Senior Distributors.
I’d like to ask those of you who would like to change your lives and those around you, please join me in SendOutCards at www.sendoutcards.com/144087. Thanks!