Posted by Rick Tompkins on February 12, 2013

To my fan,
I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted a blog, but the past week has been hectic.
As some of you may have gathered from my whining, I mean blogging, I’ve changed work shifts (several times) recently. It started about 3 1/2 weeks ago when I went to Anaheim for the SendOutCards Treat ‘em Right Seminar. Since I was working at night at the time I had to reverse my sleep schedule so I could be awake during the day over that weekend. I was successful at that but then had to reverse again so that I could be awake at night. But the next Thursday I was asked if I wanted to work days…I said yes and had to reverse again over the next weekend! I worked 2 weeks of days and then was asked to work this past Sunday and Monday nights then days the rest of the week…so 2 reversings of the sleep schedule in a week. Which brings us to today…I worked 16 hours to get back onto a day shift, followed by a 5 hour nap. I’m going to post a video in a little bit, so I wanted to warn you that I look like I’ve worked a 16 hour day, followed by a 5 hour nap!
Okay, enough whining…I mean blogging, about that. Let’s talk about
What do I mean by magic? Do I mean witches and sorcerers? No…and no offense to any witches and sorcerers out there. Do I mean “Pick a card, any card”? No, I don’t…but if you knew me in junior high or high school I probably said that to you. No, what I’m talking about is more along the lines of “The Secret” or the law of attraction. It’s about coincidences or divine intervention. The universe conspiring to lead you somewhere. It’s about all of the little choices that we make that takes us to where we are at this moment. It’s about magic!
It’s about why I’m sitting in my apartment on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 7:10 PM PST typing this blog post.
There are lots of reasons why I’m here at this moment, but a few of the major reasons are that I work for AT&T in Pleasanton, right across the street from my apartment, and I’m separated from my wife. When I moved out I wanted to live within walking distance of work after commuting 60 miles each way for 20 years. I met my wife because of AT&T…I was working in New Jersey and met my wife-to-be there. But I got my job with AT&T because I worked for the Census Bureau in Salinas, CA in 1980. Etc, etc. That’s what I mean by magic. All of the things that happened in my life that brought me to this moment.
This blog is about creating “Spontaneous Sales Magic”, an assignment from the Empower Network, which I joined last month.
So, the first step in creating “Spontaneous Sales Magic” or even “Spontaneous Life Magic” is to “Pay attention to the magic”. Which means to pause and think about the things that led you to where you are now.
Second, “Feed your mind”. What do you put in your brain? The cr@p they put on TV, especially the news? The news is nearly 100% negative. Is that what yo want to put in your brain? Read, listen and watch positive things. In the context of sales, it means to listen to people who make more money than you. Don’t listen to the people who say it can’t be done. The people who are doing it don’t listen to them. In the case of SendOutCards, that means listening to Jordan Adler, the top money earner in SOC, who happens to be in my upline. Not only is Jordan the top money earner in SOC, he’s also the largest single donor to which comes from the sale of his awesome book “Beach Money” which is available as a gift for yourself or someone else at So not only do I listen to Jordan, but also to Mark Herdering and Michael Benner who are both in my upline. And I often listen to others also.
Third, “Create clear intentions”. The universe can’t help you get what you want if it doesn’t know what you want. And the universe can’t know what you want if you don’t know what it is. Get as clear as possible as to what you want. This is one of my weaknesses. I usually have a vague idea of what I want so I get vague results. Sometimes people refer to the law of attraction as the law of attention. You get more of what you pay attention to. If your attention is focused on what you don’t have or want, you’ll get more of what you don’t have or want. If you pay attention to what you have or want, you get more of it. It’s like when you buy a new car, or even think about buying a specific car. You may have never seen one before, even though they’ve been on the road…you just weren’t paying attention. Now they’re everywhere.
Fourth, “Let go of expectations”. The universe isn’t going to just hand you what you want, everytime you want it. You’ll eventually get what you want but there may be bumps along the way. Don’t get discouraged because something didn’t go the way you planned it…it went the way it was meant to go.
Fifth (and last!), “Take massive action”. You’ll never get what you want by just wishing for it…you must act! The law of attraction won’t hand something to you, but it will present you with opportuinties and it’s up to you to act on those opportunities. Don’t sit and complain that you’re not getting what you wish for…you get what you work for.
So, to recap:
1. Pay attention to magic
2. Feed your mind
3. Create clear intentions
4. Let go of expectations
5. Take massive action
This came from an assignment from Empower Network to listen to a recording from “The Inner Circle” and blog about it. The recording was from November 19th, 2012. There are tons of recordings there and I’ve been bad…that was the first one I’ve listened to. This falls under step 2…feeding your mind. Find out more at
Insert video here
Another part of the assignment is to make a video, so I’m going away for a few minutes to make a video on the magic that led to me discovering SendOutCards.
Interesting days
Today - and A frozen breakfast and a liquid lunch?
Tomorrow - I've been advised to go to Arby's. There just happens to be one a few blocks from the gym
Next Wednesday - I haven't had clam chowder in a long time. But isn't clam chowder usually available in restaurants on Fridays? And would make a great follow up
March 18 - That awkward moment when...
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