Friday, February 27, 2015

How to get Starbucks to pay for your home-based business

How do you get Starbucks to pay for your home-based business? Just follow my simple 90 day plan! This plan consists of a single step, repeated for 90 days. What is this simple one step plan? Don't go to Starbucks. That's it!

I'll give you the numbers that I'm familiar with. SendOutCards costs $395 to sign up as a distributor. A grande mocha at Starbucks costs $4.15. Ninety times $4.15 = $373.50! You'd only need to come up with another $21.50 to start your own business. Now, if you don't want to even come up with $21.50, then stop going to Starbucks for 95 days…that will be $394.25. You'll need 75 cents! Still too much? Then 96 days without Starbucks and you'll also have $3.40 left over!

But why am I picking on Starbucks? For a couple of reasons…Starbucks is a discretionary expense and you'll never get rich by drinking coffee. Unless you sell SoZo Coffee like Chris Maslanka.

There are many network marketing/direct sales companies out there, besides SendOutCards and Sozo Coffee. There are lots of products or services you can offer and they have different costs of getting started, so you may need more or less than 90 days to get started depending on what company you pick.

Some companies and people that I'm personally familiar with are Dan Walden with health and wellness company, Xango. Or if you want your home to smell nice, then check out Cathi Rickly with Scentsy. Or how about a combination of health & wellness and smelling good? Then check out JoAnn Hall with essential oil company doTerra. How about home and health products by Melaleuca offered by Marie Lamantia? Or how about a service company like LegalShield? Then contact Billy Lazeuz. I could go on forever, but I think you get the idea.

How big is the network marketing/direct sales industry?

Or roughly the size of the first four industries put together!

Now getting back to Starbucks. How would you like the government to pay for half of your Starbucks coffee from now on? Just start your own home-based business and meet your clients and prospects at Starbucks and discuss your business.

But no matter what company you may decide to go with, remember SendOutCards…the relationship marketing company. We can help you grow your business, no matter what it may be. Whether network marketing or something more traditional.

Interesting days

Today - would even warm up a polar bear. Or how about some fresh strawberries?

Next Friday - I eat a lot of that. I don't eat a lot of this, but it sounds good! It's also and And of course, If you're self employed, it's ok to appreciate yourself. Since I go by my middle name, I celebrate every day

March 27 - Can't say that I've ever had it. How about What are some of your favorites?

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