Most people say that they are looking for security, the good old 9 to 5 job. But I’m looking for people who want freedom. The freedom to do what you want, when you want without having to plan 6 months in advance to save your money and schedule your vacation.
Security and freedom are opposites…think of a prison…the person in maximum security has minimum freedom.
Borrowing from the Empower Network blog from yesterday
(/blog/dawn-of-the-vampire-slayers/?id=ricktompkins) (The video was cute, but I was expecting something more Buffyesque):

“The Lies of ‘Security’

Security isn’t secure.  So many seek after it, but the reality of security is a lie created to strip away the creative nature of man, and take the beautiful round or octagon peg that you are and viciously force you into a square hole.
Usually that square hole is a tiny cubicle…
…which comes fully equipped with a fancy pencil sharpener, an annoying coworker, a short lunch, and a smug boss that takes morbid pleasure in tormenting you…

However, there is ‘light at the end of the tunnel.’

There is a  promises of a far off retirement where you can drive a motorhome around the country, when you are barely old enough to see, so that you can visit your grand-kids.
It’s a pretty shitty light to begin with, that usually flickers and dies before it ever burns.
Reality sets in when that dream isn’t realized, and rather that having the promised security, you salivate veraciously over the mailbox on the day that the postman drops off the social security check…
…and that isn’t even enough to cover the bills.”
Believe me, I’m just about at that latter point, realizing that after 32 years of working for the same company that I don’t have anything to show for it. No savings, minimal 401k, a house that will probably end up in foreclosure, 2 kids that are working at McDonald’s and Burger King. Is this the life I was planning for all of my life? No, it’s not, and the good thing is that it’s not too late to do something about it.
I’m looking for freedom and I’m looking for 3 other people during the month of March who are looking for freedom also. If you want security, good luck to you. But if you want freedom then check out this link on the 7/30/Q (which I blogged about not too long ago):
Then join me in SendOutCards at If you don’t think SendOutCards may be suitable for you, that’s fine…you can also join me in Empower Network at /almostasecret.php?id=ricktompkins.
Remember that America was founded to provide freedom for its citizens, not security! Social Security didn’t make its appearance until the 1930′s.