Still spinning my wheels
Posted by Rick Tompkins on March 17, 2013

I’ve got a little more to say about particle physics…don’t worry it’s just a little.
What got me started on my journey into the realm of quarks and bosons and fermions was actually because of a book called “Healing Depression The Mind-Body Way: by Nancy Liebler and Sandra Moss. What has that got to do with particle physics? Does reading about particle physics make you depressed? Although some of you may disagree with me, the answer is no.
What I found interesting was on page 35 of the 2009 paperback edition:
The Ayurvedic System of Doshas From their in-depth study of nature, the Vedic sages observed energy disguised in the form of five elements. From the subtlest to the most perceptible, they are as follows: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Everything in the natural world contains these five elements. This is the case whether we are talking about minerals, plants, or animals. According to Vedic knowledge, these five elements combine into three fundamental fields. Air and ether combine to form Vata dosha, fire and water combine to form Pitta dosha; and earth and water combine to form Kapha dosha. But the doshas are not “things.” They are the guiding principles in nature. The doshas are among the first manifestations that sprout from the field of pure potentiality into the realm of matter. In turn, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha orchestrate the functioning of the pattern of vibration that creates the elemental you. Let us explain this in the words of modern physicists. Albeit with different language, modern quantum physicists echo Vedic knowledge. They tell us that five spin types (elements) form the most basic concepts in particle physics: (1) spin 2 (graviton) relates to the element of space, (2) spin 3/2 (gravitino) relates to the element of air, (3) spin 1 (force fields) relates to the element of fire, 4) spin 1/2 (matter fields) relates to the element of water, (5) and spin 0 (Higgs field) relates to the element of earth. Physicists assert that everything in creation is derived from the combination of these five fundamental spin types into three superfields: gravity, gauges and matter. Gravity is produced from the combination of spin 2 (space) and spin 3/2 (air) and corresponds to the classical definition of Vata dosha. Gauge is produced from the combination of spin 1 (fire) and spin 1/2 (water) and corresponds to Pitta dosha. Matter is produced from the combination of spin 0 (earth) and spin 1/2 (water) and corresponds to Kapha dosha. Here’s another way to think about it: The analogy of primary colors has often been used to explain the fundamental nature of the spin types in the creation of all forms of matter. Combinations of blue, yellow, and red form all of the other colors of the rainbow. Purple, for example, is red plus blue. In this way every possible manifestation of universal intelligence represents a combination of the five spin types. The three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) operate in the macrocosm of the universe as well as in the microcosm of the human being. Every aspect of the natural world, including the human being, is a pattern of intelligence, and it is the doshas that govern the workings of this pattern of intelligence. Knowing how the doshas influence your individual mind and body is the key to functioning in harmony with nature. The necessary tools are awareness and intentionality. Awareness of how the doshas function allows us to become intentional about our daily choices and habits in order to keep our physiology in a state of balance. Think of the doshas as master homeostatic mechanisms that keep your mind-body on an even keel. The doshas maintain your internal equilibrium in the face of external changes. There is survival value in this. For instance, even on a cold winter day, you maintain a constant internal temperature, which is required for the proper functioning of your physiology. The doshas impart the intelligence of nature into your physiology. They function as guiding principles to govern the major processes in the mind-body. Your physiology is constantly being affected by its environment, yet for proper functioning it has to maintain homeo- stasis. If this natural internal balance is not maintained, the proper functioning of the physiology is compromised. It is the doshas that allow the maintenance of homeostasis. Through the process of daily living, we incur imbalances at the doshic level. If these imbalances go uncorrected, the intelligence of nature will not be properly translated into our physiology, which will then be unable to initiate its self-repair mechanisms. Over time, left uncorrected, imbalances disrupt proper functioning and eventually cause disease. Depression is no exception. According to Ayurveda. disruptions at the level of the doshas are at the root of all disease processes. Ayurveda gets to the root of the problem of depression because it understands how to diagnose, treat, and prevent the doshic imbalances that create it.
Maybe this doesn't make much sense to you. Basically there are 3 doshas and they tend to correspond with certain physical and emotional types. The Vata type tends to correspond to the Ectomorphic body type, the skinny ones, and to the anxious type of depression. The Pitta corresponds to the Mesomorphic body type, you know the muscular type, and more of a fiery or angry type of depression. And Kapha corresponds to the Endomorphic or the rounder body type and the classical type of depression. Another book that I've read, "Ayurvedic Zone Diet" by Dr. Dennis Thompson describes Zone Diets for each dosha, with each requiring different amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The classic 40-30-30 Zone diet as described by Dr. Barry Sears is only appropriate for the Kapha dosha. Do the particles actually correspond to what the book suggests? I don't know, but I think it has interesting possiblities. That's it for today. Onto a totally different topic tomorrow!
Interesting days
Today - Salsa, queso or guacamole?
Tomorrow - Haven't had any in quite a while…need to find someplace to get some. Also, And it's only a month until Which do you prefer? Goobers or Raisinets?
Next Tuesday - Is yours unique? I think a trip to Subway and/or Togo's is in order! I'm not sure what it is, but sounds like it might be interesting. And it's How many do you know?
March 24 - See the entry for Tomorrow above!
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