Saturday, February 28, 2015

Congratulations to one of my favorite people on the planet, Mary Swarts!

She promoted to the rank of Executive with SendOutCards which means that she helped 5 people promote to the rank of Senior Manager. The company is about helping people to achieve their dreams and Mary is one of the best I know at that.

Mary was the first person to receive one of the new SendOutCards floral arrangements last year in Las Vegas. Our CEO, Kody Bateman, could see her leadership abilities back then.

And yes, this is the same person who calls me a hug mooch! But c'mon, it's worth it!

Interesting days

Today - Thank you to the people who design the beautiful SendOutCards arrangements. The people who celebrate need to be careful, otherwise they may knock a tooth loose. Luckily it's also And it's Which I think will go very well with

Tomorrow - Who were you named after?  How many of you remember Arnold? Not the former governor. And not this Arnold either:

But Arnold the Pig?

It's also And this sounds like a great idea to me, And let me just tell you how smart you are for reading this blog post on

Next Saturday - Don't think I've ever had this, but it looks good enough to wear (as well as eat). And one of my favorite foods,

March 28 - and I think it would be kinda messy to combine the two of them

Friday, February 27, 2015

How to get Starbucks to pay for your home-based business

How do you get Starbucks to pay for your home-based business? Just follow my simple 90 day plan! This plan consists of a single step, repeated for 90 days. What is this simple one step plan? Don't go to Starbucks. That's it!

I'll give you the numbers that I'm familiar with. SendOutCards costs $395 to sign up as a distributor. A grande mocha at Starbucks costs $4.15. Ninety times $4.15 = $373.50! You'd only need to come up with another $21.50 to start your own business. Now, if you don't want to even come up with $21.50, then stop going to Starbucks for 95 days…that will be $394.25. You'll need 75 cents! Still too much? Then 96 days without Starbucks and you'll also have $3.40 left over!

But why am I picking on Starbucks? For a couple of reasons…Starbucks is a discretionary expense and you'll never get rich by drinking coffee. Unless you sell SoZo Coffee like Chris Maslanka.

There are many network marketing/direct sales companies out there, besides SendOutCards and Sozo Coffee. There are lots of products or services you can offer and they have different costs of getting started, so you may need more or less than 90 days to get started depending on what company you pick.

Some companies and people that I'm personally familiar with are Dan Walden with health and wellness company, Xango. Or if you want your home to smell nice, then check out Cathi Rickly with Scentsy. Or how about a combination of health & wellness and smelling good? Then check out JoAnn Hall with essential oil company doTerra. How about home and health products by Melaleuca offered by Marie Lamantia? Or how about a service company like LegalShield? Then contact Billy Lazeuz. I could go on forever, but I think you get the idea.

How big is the network marketing/direct sales industry?

Or roughly the size of the first four industries put together!

Now getting back to Starbucks. How would you like the government to pay for half of your Starbucks coffee from now on? Just start your own home-based business and meet your clients and prospects at Starbucks and discuss your business.

But no matter what company you may decide to go with, remember SendOutCards…the relationship marketing company. We can help you grow your business, no matter what it may be. Whether network marketing or something more traditional.

Interesting days

Today - would even warm up a polar bear. Or how about some fresh strawberries?

Next Friday - I eat a lot of that. I don't eat a lot of this, but it sounds good! It's also and And of course, If you're self employed, it's ok to appreciate yourself. Since I go by my middle name, I celebrate every day

March 27 - Can't say that I've ever had it. How about What are some of your favorites?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Gravestones and rocket ships

Another busy day, so I'm going to re-use one more of my Empower Network blog posts. I promise to have something fresh tomorrow!

It’s time to borrow from the Empower Network blog Click Here And Watch It NOW.

Gravestones And Rocket Ships

Trying to make everything perfect before you start just means you are going to be sitting on your ass until you die.  You might as well order your tombstone engraving now:
Died broke waiting for the perfect moment to get started.  If only he would have had 100 more years to put on the finishing touches.  R.I.P.”
That’s what my gravestone was going to say until recently. I finally decided it was time to do something besides waiting to retire with my $100,000 401k! So, when Gregory presented me with the SendOutCards opportunity last March I decided it was time to go for it. I’d been in various businesses over the years, including a couple of network marketing companies but I never really did anything with them…I was waiting for the stars and planets to line up.
So, this time, not only did I sign up for an opportunity but I decided it was time to do something with it. So, I did. And like I said yesterday, most of what I do is listen to conference calls (which I did before), go to networking events (which I never did before) and meet people one on one (which I never did and would’ve never considered before!). And I blog (which I’ve done a couple of times before). I got a new SOC customer to sign up today, in part because of the blogs (I think)…that’s 2 in the past week.
“A rocket that is getting sent to the moon is off course over 90% of the time.  Making constant adjustments, of a fast moving object, are what brings it in to its desired destination.”
One of my favorite sayings these days is “Save time and effort, start with Plan B”, because nothing will ever go as planned and as long as you understand that and take it into consideration you can continue moving forward.
So, launch your rocket ship now and be off course most of the time. And if you do, your gravestone may say something like:
“”Always aim for the Moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”
―    W. Clement Stone”

Interesting days

Today - Erik's Deli sounds like a winner! And I'll have to grab a bag of those!

Tomorrow - I think this deserves some serious celebrating! Good thing it's on a Friday! I think some of you on the east coast are starting to feel like polar bears.

Even polar bears have had enough of winter!

Next Thursday - Never tried it. Is it any good? I have mine. Do you have yours? And let's not forget

March 26 - I actually do like a good spinach salad. May be a good day to go to Sweet Tomatoes. What would yours be? Hmmmm. A 3 Musketeers bar (or 3) may be in order. And of course, it's

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What is Ayurveda?

Time to quit being lazy and post something new. This is a followup to yesterday's post on "Particle Physics and Ayurveda".

Ayurveda - The Science of Life

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that has its origins in the Vedic culture of India. Although suppressed during years of foreign occupation, Ayurveda has been enjoying a major resurgence in both its native land and throughout the world. Tibetan medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine both have their roots in Ayurveda. Early Greek medicine also embraced many concepts originally described in the classical ayurvedic medical texts dating back thousands of years.
More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life,Veda = science or knowledge). It offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vital while realizing their full human potential. Providing guidelines on ideal daily and seasonal routines, diet, behavior and the proper use of our senses, Ayurveda reminds us that health is the balanced and dynamic integration between our environment, body, mind, and spirit.
Recognizing that human beings are part of nature, Ayurveda describes three fundamental energies that govern our inner and outer environments: movement, transformation, and structure. Known in Sanskrit as Vata (Wind), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Earth), these primary forces are responsible for the characteristics of our mind and body. Each of us has a unique proportion of these three forces that shapes our nature. If Vata is dominant in our system, we tend to be thin, light, enthusiastic, energetic, and changeable. If Pitta predominates in our nature, we tend to be intense, intelligent, and goal-oriented and we have a strong appetite for life. When Kapha prevails, we tend to be easy-going, methodical, and nurturing. Although each of us has all three forces, most people have one or two elements that predominate.
For each element, there is a balanced and imbalance expression. When Vata is balanced, a person is lively and creative, but when there is too much movement in the system, a person tends to experience anxiety, insomnia, dry skin, constipation, and difficulty focusing. When Pitta is functioning in a balanced manner, a person is warm, friendly, disciplined, a good leader, and a good speaker. When Pitta is out of balance, a person tends to be compulsive and irritable and may suffer from indigestion or an inflammatory condition. When Kapha is balanced, a person is sweet, supportive, and stable but when Kapha is out of balance, a person may experience sluggishness, weight gain, and sinus congestion.
An important goal of Ayurveda is to identify a person’s ideal state of balance, determine where they are out of balance, and offer interventions using diet, herbs, aromatherapy, massage treatments, music, and meditation to reestablish balance.
A simple questionnaire can help you determine which ayurvedic element is most lively in your nature. Take the dosha quiz here. Answer the following questions as honestly as possible and see which element(s) receives the highest score.
The Chopra Center's approach to health and wellbeing fuses the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with the most advanced developments in modern allopathic medicine. We offer ayurvedic lifestyle consultations. We also teach the practical tools and techniques of Ayurveda at all of our programs, seminars, workshops, and retreats. Bring Ayurveda into Your Life


Like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda is based on 5 elements. In TCM the elements are wood, metal, fire, water and earth; while in Ayurveda the elements are ether (or space), air, fire, water and earth. The 3 doshas are made from combinations of 2 of these elements…vata is ether and air, pitta is fire and water, and kapha is a combination of water and earth. Most people either have a primary dosha, or maybe a combination of 2 doshas…bi-doshic. A few people tend to have equally balanced doshas and are considered tri-doshic. Here is an excellent article describing the doshas some more and discussing bi- and tri-doshas

I tend to be very strongly Vata. Be sure to take the quiz above and let others know what your dosha is by commenting below.

Interesting days

Today - I better pick up some Goobers or Mr. Goodbar today. Still looking for some good clam chowder. Don't most restaurants serve clam chowder on Fridays?

Tomorrow - One of my favorites! Maybe Erik's Delicafe Chili in a sourdough bread bowl. Yum! It's also Another favorite! 

And let's not forget whose name comes from using one pound of each of its ingredients: butter, eggs, flour and sugar

March 25 - and Or you can celebrate both by having pecan waffles! It's also Are manatees really the origin of the mermaid legends? And 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Particle physics and Ayurveda

Still spinning my wheels

I’ve got a little more to say about particle physics…don’t worry it’s just a little.
What got me started on my journey into the realm of quarks and bosons and fermions was actually because of a book called “Healing Depression The Mind-Body Way: by Nancy Liebler and Sandra Moss. What has that got to do with particle physics? Does reading about particle physics make you depressed? Although some of you may disagree with me, the answer is no.
What I found interesting was on page 35 of the 2009 paperback edition:
The Ayurvedic System of Doshas From their in-depth study of nature, the Vedic sages observed energy disguised in the form of five elements. From the subtlest to the most perceptible, they are as follows: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Everything in the natural world contains these five elements. This is the case whether we are talking about minerals, plants, or animals. According to Vedic knowledge, these five elements combine into three fundamental fields. Air and ether combine to form Vata dosha, fire and water combine to form Pitta dosha; and earth and water combine to form Kapha dosha. But the doshas are not “things.” They are the guiding principles in nature. The doshas are among the first manifestations that sprout from the field of pure potentiality into the realm of matter. In turn, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha orchestrate the functioning of the pattern of vibration that creates the elemental you. Let us explain this in the words of modern physicists. Albeit with different language, modern quantum physicists echo Vedic knowledge. They tell us that five spin types (elements) form the most basic concepts in particle physics: (1) spin 2 (graviton) relates to the element of space, (2) spin 3/2 (gravitino) relates to the element of air, (3) spin 1 (force fields) relates to the element of fire, 4) spin 1/2 (matter fields) relates to the element of water, (5) and spin 0 (Higgs field) relates to the element of earth. Physicists assert that everything in creation is derived from the combination of these five fundamental spin types into three superfields: gravity, gauges and matter. Gravity is produced from the combination of spin 2 (space) and spin 3/2 (air) and corresponds to the classical definition of Vata dosha. Gauge is produced from the combination of spin 1 (fire) and spin 1/2 (water) and corresponds to Pitta dosha. Matter is produced from the combination of spin 0 (earth) and spin 1/2 (water) and corresponds to Kapha dosha. Here’s another way to think about it: The analogy of primary colors has often been used to explain the fundamental nature of the spin types in the creation of all forms of matter. Combinations of blue, yellow, and red form all of the other colors of the rainbow. Purple, for example, is red plus blue. In this way every possible manifestation of universal intelligence represents a combination of the five spin types. The three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) operate in the macrocosm of the universe as well as in the microcosm of the human being. Every aspect of the natural world, including the human being, is a pattern of intelligence, and it is the doshas that govern the workings of this pattern of intelligence. Knowing how the doshas influence your individual mind and body is the key to functioning in harmony with nature. The necessary tools are awareness and intentionality. Awareness of how the doshas function allows us to become intentional about our daily choices and habits in order to keep our physiology in a state of balance. Think of the doshas as master homeostatic mechanisms that keep your mind-body on an even keel. The doshas maintain your internal equilibrium in the face of external changes. There is survival value in this. For instance, even on a cold winter day, you maintain a constant internal temperature, which is required for the proper functioning of your physiology. The doshas impart the intelligence of nature into your physiology. They function as guiding principles to govern the major processes in the mind-body. Your physiology is constantly being affected by its environment, yet for proper functioning it has to maintain homeo- stasis. If this natural internal balance is not maintained, the proper functioning of the physiology is compromised. It is the doshas that allow the maintenance of homeostasis. Through the process of daily living, we incur imbalances at the doshic level. If these imbalances go uncorrected, the intelligence of nature will not be properly translated into our physiology, which will then be unable to initiate its self-repair mechanisms. Over time, left uncorrected, imbalances disrupt proper functioning and eventually cause disease. Depression is no exception. According to Ayurveda. disruptions at the level of the doshas are at the root of all disease processes. Ayurveda gets to the root of the problem of depression because it understands how to diagnose, treat, and prevent the doshic imbalances that create it. 
Maybe this doesn't make much sense to you. Basically there are 3 doshas and they tend to correspond with certain physical and emotional types. The Vata type tends to correspond to the Ectomorphic body type, the skinny ones, and to the anxious type of depression. The Pitta corresponds to the Mesomorphic body type, you know the muscular type, and more of a fiery or angry type of depression. And Kapha corresponds to the Endomorphic or the rounder body type and the classical type of depression. Another book that I've read, "Ayurvedic Zone Diet" by Dr. Dennis Thompson describes Zone Diets for each dosha, with each requiring different amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The classic 40-30-30 Zone diet as described by Dr. Barry Sears is only appropriate for the Kapha dosha. Do the particles actually correspond to what the book suggests? I don't know, but I think it has interesting possiblities. That's it for today. Onto a totally different topic tomorrow!

Interesting days

Today - Salsa, queso or guacamole?

Tomorrow - Haven't had any in quite a while…need to find someplace to get some. Also, And it's only a month until Which do you prefer? Goobers or Raisinets?

Next Tuesday - Is yours unique? I think a trip to Subway and/or Togo's is in order! I'm not sure what it is, but sounds like it might be interesting. And it's How many do you know?

March 24 - See the entry for Tomorrow above! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Spinning out of control

If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough. – Mario Andretti
In my blog post yesterday I talked about the discovery of the Higgs boson, and if that wasn’t boring enough I’m going to talk a little about particle physics today. Why? Insanity probably.

What is particle physics?

Subatomic particles
Modern particle physics research is focused on subatomic particles, including atomic constituents such as electronsprotons, and neutrons (protons and neutrons are composite particles called baryons, made of quarks), produced by radioactive and scattering processes, such as photonsneutrinos, and muons, as well as a wide range of exotic particles. To be specific, the term particle is a misnomer from classical physics because the dynamics of particle physics are governed by quantum mechanics. As such, they exhibit wave-particle duality, displaying particle-like behavior under certain experimental conditions and wave-like behavior in others. In more technical terms, they are described by quantum state vectors in aHilbert space, which is also treated in quantum field theory. Following the convention of particle physicists, elementary particles refer to objects such as electrons and photons as it is well known that those types of particles display wave-like properties as well.
Elementary Particles
All particles, and their interactions observed to date, can be described almost entirely by a quantum field theory called the Standard Model.[1] The Standard Model has 61 elementary particles.[2] Those elementary particles can combine to form composite particles, accounting for the hundreds of other species of particles that have been discovered since the 1960s. The Standard Model has been found to agree with almost all the experimental tests conducted to date. However, most particle physicists believe that it is an incomplete description of nature, and that a more fundamental theory awaits discovery (See Theory of Everything). In recent years, measurements of neutrino mass have provided the first experimental deviations from the Standard Model.


The idea that all matter is composed of elementary particles dates to at least the 6th century BC.[3] The philosophical doctrine of atomism and the nature of elementary particles were studied by ancient Greek philosophers such as LeucippusDemocritus, and Epicurus; ancient Indian philosophers such as KanadaDignāga, and Dharmakirti; Muslim scientists such as Ibn al-HaythamIbn Sina, and Mohammad al-Ghazali; and in early modern Europeby physicists such as Pierre GassendiRobert Boyle, and Isaac Newton. The particle theory of light was also proposed by Ibn al-HaythamIbn Sina, Gassendi, and Newton. Those early ideas were founded through abstractphilosophical reasoning rather than experimentation andempirical observation.
In the 19th century, John Dalton, through his work on stoichiometry, concluded that each element of nature was composed of a single, unique type of particle. Dalton and his contemporaries believed those were the fundamental particles of nature and thus named them atoms, after the Greek word atomos, meaning “indivisible”.[4] However, near the end of that century, physicists discovered that atoms are not, in fact, the fundamental particles of nature, but conglomerates of even smaller particles. The early 20th-century explorations ofnuclear physics and quantum physics culminated in proofs of nuclear fission in 1939 by Lise Meitner (based on experiments by Otto Hahn), and nuclear fusion by Hans Bethe in that same year. Those discoveries gave rise to an active industry of generating one atom from another, even rendering possible (although it will probably never be profitable) thetransmutation of lead into gold; and, those same discoveries also led to the development ofnuclear weapons. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, a bewildering variety of particles were found in scattering experiments. It was referred to as the “particle zoo“. That term was deprecated after the formulation of the Standard Model during the 1970s in which the large number of particles was explained as combinations of a (relatively) small number of fundamental particles.

Standard Model

The very current state of the classification of all elementary particles is explained by theStandard Model. It describes the strongweak, and electromagnetic fundamental interactions, using mediating gauge bosons. The species of gauge bosons are the gluonsW−, W+ and Z bosons, and the photons.[1] The Standard Model also contains 24 fundamental particles, (12 particles and their associated anti-particles), which are the constituents of allmatter.[5] Finally, the Standard Model also predicts the existence of a type of boson known as the Higgs boson (which was announced on March 14th, 2013 – Rick). (end of wikipedia article)
One of the properties of the sub-atomic particles is known as spin and each particle has it’s own spin – either no spin, 1/2, 1, 3/2 or 2. So, combining the idea of spin with the Mario Andretti quote that I saw today on twitter gave rise to the title of this blog.
How much do I know about particle physics? Almost nothing! I attempted to read a book called “Spin in Particle Physics” a few months ago and I was lost during the first paragraph. However, I think it’s interesting and plan to learn more about it. So, don’t be surprised to see a sequel made up of more of my own words.

Interesting days

Today - Yesterday you took your dog for a walk and today you can give them a dog biscuit. Also, it's the national sport of the Great White North, Actually, I don't know if it's the national sport, but it should be. It's also, which is more my speed…or at least it was about 35 years ago when I played it last. And let's not forget the best thing about today

Next Monday - Nations! Also everyone's favorite doctor And it's What interesting facts have you found out about your name? 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015

Not much ado about pretty much nothing

Posted by Rick Tompkins on March 15, 2013

My apologies to the Bard and to my fan for blatantly mangling the title of one of his best known works and for not blogging since the 3rd!
But in my defense, I was sick last week (but just lazy this week!).
Today’s blog will just be a compendium of random ruminations (which means I have no idea of what I’m going to talk about but since it’s been so long I feel the need to talk about something.).
For those of you who think that reading about my life is boring, try living it! But here goes…I just got home from Sacramento (well, actually Folsom) a few minutes ago. I went up there yesterday for the SendOutCards Road Tour with Super Dave and Lori Smith from Salt Lake City. What is the SOC Road Tour and who are Super Dave and Lori, you ask? OK, I know you didn’t ask but I’m going to tell you anyway.
The SOC Road Tour is a presentation that is traveling around the country and the presentation in Sacramento (Folsom) yesterday is the only scheduled Northern California appearance. It’s a combination Opportunity Meeting and Basic/Certified Training Class. The Opportunity Meeting describes the SOC business opportunity, while the training class is to train new distributors or certified trainers.
Super Dave and Lori Smith are Senior Executives with SendOutCards. Senior Executive is the 2nd highest position in the company, right below Eagle. Super Dave has been SOC CEO Kody Bateman’s friend since they were 8 years old and I think they’re about 50 now. But Dave and Lori have been traveling around the country presenting the SOC Road Tour. They were in Sacramento (Folsom) yesterday, Casper, WY the day before and I think they’re heading up to Portland or Seattle or someplace in the Great Northwest next. If you want to see where they’re going or even where they’ve been you can go to
My sister emailed me this article yesterday: about proof that the Higgs boson had been discovered. No, it’s not a typo. This is not a story about buffalo. A boson is a sub atomic particle and scientists had been searching for the Higgs boson for years. The Higgs boson, sometimes called the God particle, is supposed to supply other sub atomic particles with their mass and is therefore responsible for the creation of everything. The interesting coincidence(?) is that the article was released yesterday. March 14th, which was Albert Einstein’s birthday (and Pi Day, too!).
Let’s see…what else can I ramble on about? I’m still looking for people who are interested in becoming SendOutCards distributors. You can see many of my previous blogs to find out more about it, especially this one: /ricktompkins/blog/730q-bdabb/?id=ricktompkins.
I guess that’s it for now.

Expect to see more about particle physics next week!

Interesting days

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Security vs Freedom

Most people say that they are looking for security, the good old 9 to 5 job. But I’m looking for people who want freedom. The freedom to do what you want, when you want without having to plan 6 months in advance to save your money and schedule your vacation.
Security and freedom are opposites…think of a prison…the person in maximum security has minimum freedom.
Borrowing from the Empower Network blog from yesterday
(/blog/dawn-of-the-vampire-slayers/?id=ricktompkins) (The video was cute, but I was expecting something more Buffyesque):

“The Lies of ‘Security’

Security isn’t secure.  So many seek after it, but the reality of security is a lie created to strip away the creative nature of man, and take the beautiful round or octagon peg that you are and viciously force you into a square hole.
Usually that square hole is a tiny cubicle…
…which comes fully equipped with a fancy pencil sharpener, an annoying coworker, a short lunch, and a smug boss that takes morbid pleasure in tormenting you…

However, there is ‘light at the end of the tunnel.’

There is a  promises of a far off retirement where you can drive a motorhome around the country, when you are barely old enough to see, so that you can visit your grand-kids.
It’s a pretty shitty light to begin with, that usually flickers and dies before it ever burns.
Reality sets in when that dream isn’t realized, and rather that having the promised security, you salivate veraciously over the mailbox on the day that the postman drops off the social security check…
…and that isn’t even enough to cover the bills.”
Believe me, I’m just about at that latter point, realizing that after 32 years of working for the same company that I don’t have anything to show for it. No savings, minimal 401k, a house that will probably end up in foreclosure, 2 kids that are working at McDonald’s and Burger King. Is this the life I was planning for all of my life? No, it’s not, and the good thing is that it’s not too late to do something about it.
I’m looking for freedom and I’m looking for 3 other people during the month of March who are looking for freedom also. If you want security, good luck to you. But if you want freedom then check out this link on the 7/30/Q (which I blogged about not too long ago):
Then join me in SendOutCards at If you don’t think SendOutCards may be suitable for you, that’s fine…you can also join me in Empower Network at /almostasecret.php?id=ricktompkins.
Remember that America was founded to provide freedom for its citizens, not security! Social Security didn’t make its appearance until the 1930′s.

Interesting days

Tomorrow - In honor of "Fifty Shades of Grey"? And it's also I'm not much of a pie guy, but I'm really into pi!

Next Thursday - Sounds pretty tasty to me. And Who has the best chili? Or better yet, just get your personal chef to make some chili for you.

March 19 - Be sure to have a healthy deskfast today. Ask me how you can send chocolate caramels to your clients.

AvenueSweets 5 oz. Chocolate Caramels

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


To my fan,
I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted a blog, but the past week has been hectic.
As some of you may have gathered from my whining, I mean blogging, I’ve changed work shifts (several times) recently. It started about 3 1/2 weeks ago when I went to Anaheim for the SendOutCards Treat ‘em Right Seminar. Since I was working at night at the time I had to reverse my sleep schedule so I could be awake during the day over that weekend. I was successful at that but then had to reverse again so that I could be awake at night. But the next Thursday I was asked if I wanted to work days…I said yes and had to reverse again over the next weekend! I worked 2 weeks of days and then was asked to work this past Sunday and Monday nights then days the rest of the week…so 2 reversings of the sleep schedule in a week. Which brings us to today…I worked 16 hours to get back onto a day shift, followed by a 5 hour nap. I’m going to post a video in a little bit, so I wanted to warn you that I look like I’ve worked a 16 hour day, followed by a 5 hour nap!
Okay, enough whining…I mean blogging, about that. Let’s talk about


What do I mean by magic? Do I mean witches and sorcerers? No…and no offense to any witches and sorcerers out there. Do I mean “Pick a card, any card”? No, I don’t…but if you knew me in junior high or high school I probably said that to you. No, what I’m talking about is more along the lines of “The Secret” or the law of attraction. It’s about coincidences or divine intervention. The universe conspiring to lead you somewhere. It’s about all of the little choices that we make that takes us to where we are at this moment. It’s about magic!
It’s about why I’m sitting in my apartment on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 7:10 PM PST typing this blog post.
There are lots of reasons why I’m here at this moment, but a few of the major reasons are that I work for AT&T in Pleasanton, right across the street from my apartment, and I’m separated from my wife. When I moved out I wanted to live within walking distance of work after commuting 60 miles each way for 20 years. I met my wife because of AT&T…I was working in New Jersey and met my wife-to-be there. But I got my job with AT&T because I worked for the Census Bureau in Salinas, CA in 1980. Etc, etc. That’s what I mean by magic. All of the things that happened in my life that brought me to this moment.
This blog is about creating “Spontaneous Sales Magic”, an assignment from the Empower Network, which I joined last month.
So, the first step in creating “Spontaneous Sales Magic” or even “Spontaneous Life Magic” is to “Pay attention to the magic”. Which means to pause and think about the things that led you to where you are now.
Second, “Feed your mind”. What do you put in your brain? The cr@p they put on TV, especially the news? The news is nearly 100% negative. Is that what yo want to put in your brain? Read, listen and watch positive things. In the context of sales, it means to listen to people who make more money than you. Don’t listen to the people who say it can’t be done. The people who are doing it don’t listen to them. In the case of SendOutCards, that means listening to Jordan Adler, the top money earner in SOC, who happens to be in my upline. Not only is Jordan the top money earner in SOC, he’s also the largest single donor to which comes from the sale of his awesome book “Beach Money” which is available as a gift for yourself or someone else at So not only do I listen to Jordan, but also to Mark Herdering and Michael Benner who are both in my upline. And I often listen to others also.
Third, “Create clear intentions”. The universe can’t help you get what you want if it doesn’t know what you want. And the universe can’t know what you want if you don’t know what it is. Get as clear as possible as to what you want. This is one of my weaknesses. I usually have a vague idea of what I want so I get vague results. Sometimes people refer to the law of attraction as the law of attention. You get more of what you pay attention to. If your attention is focused on what you don’t have or want, you’ll get more of what you don’t have or want. If you pay attention to what you have or want, you get more of it. It’s like when you buy a new car, or even think about buying a specific car. You may have never seen one before, even though they’ve been on the road…you just weren’t paying attention. Now they’re everywhere.
Fourth, “Let go of expectations”. The universe isn’t going to just hand you what you want, everytime you want it. You’ll eventually get what you want but there may be bumps along the way. Don’t get discouraged because something didn’t go the way you planned it…it went the way it was meant to go.
Fifth (and last!), “Take massive action”. You’ll never get what you want by just wishing for it…you must act! The law of attraction won’t hand something to you, but it will present you with opportuinties and it’s up to you to act on those opportunities. Don’t sit and complain that you’re not getting what you wish for…you get what you work for.
So, to recap:
1. Pay attention to magic
2. Feed your mind
3. Create clear intentions
4. Let go of expectations
5. Take massive action
This came from an assignment from Empower Network to listen to a recording from “The Inner Circle” and blog about it. The recording was from November 19th, 2012. There are tons of recordings there and I’ve been bad…that was the first one I’ve listened to. This falls under step 2…feeding your mind. Find out more at

Insert video here

Another part of the assignment is to make a video, so I’m going away for a few minutes to make a video on the magic that led to me discovering SendOutCards.

Interesting days

Tomorrow - I've been advised to go to Arby's. There just happens to be one a few blocks from the gym

Next Wednesday - I haven't had clam chowder in a long time. But isn't clam chowder usually available in restaurants on Fridays? And would make a great follow up

March 18 - That awkward moment when...