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Gravestones And Rocket Ships

Trying to make everything perfect before you start just means you are going to be sitting on your ass until you die.  You might as well order your tombstone engraving now:
Died broke waiting for the perfect moment to get started.  If only he would have had 100 more years to put on the finishing touches.  R.I.P.”
That’s what my gravestone was going to say until recently. I finally decided it was time to do something besides waiting to retire with my $100,000 401k! So, when Gregory presented me with the SendOutCards opportunity last March I decided it was time to go for it. I’d been in various businesses over the years, including a couple of network marketing companies but I never really did anything with them…I was waiting for the stars and planets to line up.
So, this time, not only did I sign up for an opportunity but I decided it was time to do something with it. So, I did. And like I said yesterday, most of what I do is listen to conference calls (which I did before), go to networking events (which I never did before) and meet people one on one (which I never did and would’ve never considered before!). And I blog (which I’ve done a couple of times before). I got a new SOC customer to sign up today, in part because of the blogs (I think)…that’s 2 in the past week.
“A rocket that is getting sent to the moon is off course over 90% of the time.  Making constant adjustments, of a fast moving object, are what brings it in to its desired destination.”
One of my favorite sayings these days is “Save time and effort, start with Plan B”, because nothing will ever go as planned and as long as you understand that and take it into consideration you can continue moving forward.
So, launch your rocket ship now and be off course most of the time. And if you do, your gravestone may say something like:
“”Always aim for the Moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”
―    W. Clement Stone”