Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The 12 days of follow up - Day 12

It's time to wrap up this series. If you've been here for the whole thing, or if you joined us part way into the series, I appreciate you being here. And if this is your first exposure to this series, welcome! The links to the rest of the series are below.

Today's post will be a summary of not only the previous 11 parts of this series, but also of two posts that preceded this series.

The first post was from December 19th and was called "The 12 days of follow up" and served as an introduction to the series. The next day I posted a blog called "How often do you follow up?" which shared a post from Tom Hopkins.

The series itself started on December 26th, the first of the 12 Days of Christmas, which is where the idea for this series came from. Since December 26th is also "Thank You Note Day", I began the series by talking about thank you cards.

Day 2 was posted on the following day and was about how often and how long to follow up.

Day 3 was posted on Wednesday, the 28th, and was on social media.

There were only 3 of these posts per week, Monday through Wednesday.

Day 4 was on Monday, January 2nd, and was about how it wasn't too late to send out holiday cards.

Day 5 was on inviting your clients or prospects to events that you think may interest them.

Day 6 we covered sending gifts or bringing a gift in person to their office.

The 3rd week started with Day 7 which was about promoting your clients' or prospects' business on social media or via a blog post. And why I post the interesting days every day!

Day 8 was totally different from all of the other posts in this series. It was actually an example of me promoting a friend's business in my blog post.

Day 9 was basically a follow up to the previous day's post.

And in the final week we have:

Day 10 talked about the importance of buying from your clients or prospects.

Day 11, which was yesterday's blog post, was on offering free samples of your product or a free trial of your service.

And today, Day 12, is the summary of all that's gone before.

Please, if you have any questions or comments, post them below or email me.

And if you haven't downloaded the SendOutCards app, go ahead and do so. It's free and if you're not already a SendOutCards customer or distributor the first three cards that you send are on me!

Here are the links to the posts in this series on the 12 days of follow up:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6 
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11

Interesting days

Today - World Religion DayWinnie the Pooh Day and Thesaurus Day

Tomorrow - Popcorn DayWomen's Healthy Weight Day and Tin Can Day

Next Wednesday - A Room Of One's Own DayOpposite Day and Irish Coffee Day

February 18 - Battery DayEat Ice Cream For Breakfast DayWorld Whale DayWorld Pangolin DayPluto Day and Drink Wine Day

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