Monday, January 9, 2017

The 12 days of follow up - Day 7

Another way of following up with somebody is to promote their business...either on Facebook by writing a post about them or their business, on LinkedIn by leaving a recommendation or by writing a blog post.

Since tomorrow is "Cut Your Energy Costs Day", I'm going to promote a friend of mine with Ambit Energy tomorrow. "What is Ambit Energy?", you may be asking. Good question! You'll be finding out more about it tomorrow.

Tomorrow's blog post will be different from the others in this series. It'll be a blog post showing how to promote a client or prospective client in a blog post. And I'll also be promoting her on Facebook.

You may be wondering why I post the interesting days every day. Partly because it's fun but mostly to provide an opportunity to reach out to your clients or prospective clients. As you can see, I'm using "Cut Your Energy Costs Day" to promote a friend. In this case, she's not a client or prospective client, but she is a friend and I now have a way to promote her business; my blog post because I'll be sharing it on her Facebook wall; possibly my SendOutCards business since I often promote it in my blog and an opportunity to share the process with all of you in my "12 Days of Follow up" series.

So be sure to check out the interesting days every day and see how you can possibly tie one of the days to a client or prospect by sending them a card to celebrate the day with them (the best time to send a card is a week before the event, so they'll more than likely receive the card before then...which is why I post the day 7 days in advance and 30 days in advance so you can start thinking about how to reach out), you can post something on Facebook to their wall or tag them in a post, or even write a blog about the day and tag them there (I usually include a link to their FB profile in the blog or a link to their website if they have one...and I have a link to my blog posted automatically to FB and I then post that link onto their wall saying they were mentioned in my blog post. This way they get to see it, as well as their friends).

And if you haven't downloaded the SendOutCards app, go ahead and do so. It's free and if you're not already a SendOutCards customer or distributor the first three cards that you send are on me!

Here are the links to the posts in this series on the 12 days of follow up:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6 
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12

Interesting days

Today - Balloon Ascension DayClean Off Your Desk DayStatic Electricity DayPlay God Day and Apricot Day

Tomorrow - Peculiar People DayHouseplant Appreciation DayCut Your Energy Costs Day and Bittersweet Chocolate Day

Next Monday - Appreciate A Dragon DayNothing DayReligious Freedom Day and International Hot and Spicy Food Day

February 9 - Safer Internet DayRead In The Bathtub Day and Toothache Day

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