Tuesday, December 20, 2016

How often do you follow up?

I got to this blog post in a fairly roundabout way. I started out going to Harvey Mackay's website to look at his weekly column...I usually get an email from him once a week and I've just been copying it into my blog, but after my post on how to generate endless blog topics I figured I'd go to the website and just copy an excerpt like Andy McClure mentioned in his blog post.

Anyway, when I was on Harvey's website I saw that he had a link to Tom Hopkins' blog. Tom is a big proponent of SendOutCards and here's an interview he did about SOC:

But when I was looking at Tom's blog posts I came upon this one on how often to follow-up which ties in perfectly with our series about the 12 days of follow-up. Here is what he has to say about how often to follow-up:
My philosophy on follow up is that you:
Follow up, follow up, follow up until they buy … or die.
 Tom also talks about the importance for following up in different ways and at different times:
Champions follow up in various ways, at different times of the day/week/month until they connect. Then, through proper questioning, the pros find out what that reason was. They know that the time required to attempt each contact is minimal compared to the potential return if/when they are finally able to serve the buyers’ needs.
So, check out the rest of Tom's blog post and find out what one of the top sales trainers in the world has to say about follow-up.

Interesting days

Tomorrow - Flashlight DayLook On The Bright Side DayCrossword Puzzle DayInternational Dalek Remembrance DayHumbug DayRibbon Candy DayDon’t Make Your Bed DayShort Girl Appreciation Day and Short Story Day

Next Tuesday - Fruitcake DayVisit The Zoo Day and Make Cut-out Snowflakes Day

January 20 - Day of AcceptanceButtercrunch DayDisc Jockey DayCheese Lovers DayCamcorder Day and Penguin Awareness Day

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