Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Introducing the #planBsystem

What's your Plan B? 

That's a hard question for many people to answer since they don't even have a Plan A. They just live their lives, or should I say that their lives live them, hoping that things work out for the best.

For those that do have a Plan A, it usually looks something like this: work 40 hours a week for 40 years and then retire on 40% of what they couldn't live on before retirement.

And many of those also participated in the pre-Plan A plan...go to college for 4 years and run up $30-40,000 in student debt.


Because that's what society conditions us to do. The "modern" school system was designed to take kids off the farm and train them to be factory workers. They learned that the ringing bell means that it's time to start. Another bell means it's time for lunch. The next bell means it's time to get back to work. And then one last bell when it's finally time to go home!

And what do they learn in school? How to sit quietly all day long and to listen to authority.

Although not all of us work in factories, we're still conditioned like Pavlov's dogs to come and go with the ringing of the bells, to sit quietly all day and to never question authority.

But what about college? It's really more of the same, but you're trained for more technical jobs or you're trained to be the authority figure.

Hopefully, you have a Plan A, no matter what it is. But remember what Murphy said:

What if your "What if...?" happened to you?

My friend, Darla DiGrandi, actually had an excellent Plan A, but one day the "what if" that she was afraid of happening happened. I'll let her tell her story:

Since Murphy says that whatever can go wrong, will go wrong, then someday we'll need a Plan B. And that's where the Plan B System comes in.

What is the Plan B System?

The Plan B System is actually the "Start With Plan B System", where System means "Save yourself some time, energy and money".

I've been saying for years, only somewhat tongue-in-cheek "Save time and energy - start with your Plan B". Now, I've just formalized the idea.

How does it work?

Figure out what could go wrong with your Plan A and what you could do about it. Then begin doing it...before those things actually go wrong. Be proactive...since it's just a matter of time.

But there is a Plan B that is suitable for pretty much any Plan A, and what Darla was talking about in her marketing. If you want to find out more then check out the @ModestoNetworkMarketers page on Facebook. You don't have to be in Modesto...most companies are national or even global and there are people from various companies available to help you find what you're looking for. And while you're there, you can also join the group of the same name. It's a closed group, but just ask and I'll let you in.

Interesting days

Today - Bikini Day

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