Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Five People You Meet in Networking Events

How many of you read the book and/or saw the movie "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"? I read the book and saw the TV movie. It was pretty good but this blog post is nothing like that!

Last night I saw Casey Eberhart speak and he talked about how to network like Oprah...I did a blog post on networking like Oprah last week.

I'll probably share bits and pieces over the next few days.

There are five people you should meet at any networking event:

  1. The speaker - The speaker can give you credibility and free promotion if the speaker should mention you while speaking. Plus it's always good to be within their circle of influence
  2. The organizer - The organizer usually knows everybody at the event and can introduce you to others. If your ideal prospect is a realtor or maybe an insurance agent, he or she can introduce you to them
  3. Yap job #1
  4. Yap job #2
  5. Yap job #3
The yap jobs are the people with a group of others around them. They're usually the center of attention in their group. These people can also be very influential and can be very helpful if they include you in their group.

One of the best things you can do with these 5 people is to do a video interview with them, which is really easy with Periscope.

There's an option in Periscope to save the video to your phone. You want to make sure it's on...otherwise your 'scope is gone after 24 hours. You can then upload your video to YouTube. You want to title it like "Casey Eberhart interviewed by Rick Tompkins", although I haven't interviewed him yet. In the description you want to put your website first, including the http://, such as and in the rest of the description you want a transcription of the video, for which you can hire someone at fiver. Then include a call to action, such as a lead capture page. Please sign up for my email list to get an email announcing my monthly business blog posts.

The last thing you want to do is to put tags on your video but you always want to put the same nonsensical tag in the 2nd slot. If videos have the same tag, they're listed in the right column as suggested videos. The first video is a paid for slot, but the rest are based on the key words. In my example I'd probably use "Casey Eberhart", my top secret tag, "interview", "ideal networker" (which is Casey's tag line), "networking", etc. If you do this, anybody that searches for these keywords will find your video and thanks to your top secret tag, your other videos will be listed in the right hand column.

I hope you found this helpful. And thanks to Casey for presenting this last night!

Interesting days

Today - Mud Pack DayAsk A Stupid Question Day and International Translation Day I've never had a mud pack, but I'm pretty sure I've asked some stupid questions in my life

Tomorrow - Older Peoples DayCD Player DayWorld Vegetarian DayPoetry Day and Lace Day I have 2 CD in my car (which doesn't work) and one in a console styled like an old time radio (which is in storage)

Next Wednesday - Bathtub Day and Frappe Day A nice cold frappe and a hot bath!

October 30 - Candy Corn DayChecklist DayFrankenstein Day and Create A Great Funeral Day What would you create for yours?

October 31 - Halloween, of course! And it's Magic Day Marking the anniversary of Harry Houdini's death. It's also Caramel Apple Day I think I'll have to celebrate this one

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