Monday, September 21, 2015

Law of attraction

What is the law of attraction? According to Wikipedia:

The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim "like attracts like" which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life.[1][2] This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. One example used by Lisa Nichols in the film 'The Secret' is as follows: "Every time you look inside your mail expecting to see a bill, guess what? It'll be there. Each day you go out dreading the bill, you're never expecting anything great, you're thinking about debt, you're expecting debt. So debt must show showed up, because the law of attraction is always being obedient to your thoughts."[3]

Do I believe that by not thinking about bills, I'll never get any? No...the bills will be there whether I think about them or not. Do I believe that just by thinking about a million dollars, it'll magically appear? No. But I do believe that you do attract positive or negative energy by your thoughts.

I think that if you're a happy, cheerful, optimistic person that you'll tend to attract other happy, cheerful, optimistic people and that you'll tend to attract positive energy. A million dollars? Probably not. A happier, healthier life? Probably.

However, I do believe in the law of attention and the law of intention - you attract more of what you pay attention to and you attract what you are, not what you want. The last paragraph is the law of intention in action...attracting what you are, whether positive or negative.

What about the law of attention? You become more aware of what you pay attention to. If you pay attention to positive or negative things, you tend to be more aware of those things. They've always been there but now you're aware of them. Or how about when you buy a new car and now you see them all over the road? They weren't magically manifested into your life. They were always there but you didn't pay attention to them.

What about positive affirmations? I think that they can be helpful but I think it depends on how they're phrased and how they're used. Kody Bateman, the founder and CEO of SendOutCards, is a huge proponent of "I am" statements. Your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality. Have you ever watched a scary movie? Even though your conscious mind knows it's not real, your subconscious mind takes in all of the scary cues and you're scared! "I am" statements use that idea to become what you want to be. And the power of intention will attract more of that. You still have to work for what you want, the law of intention isn't some magical power, but you'll find that new opportunities will present themselves to you.

What are some "I am" statements?

I am at my ideal weight - Will you magically lose 20 or 30 pounds? No. But your subconscious mind will be looking for ways to make it happen. You may start eating better or exercising more without really noticing it. But if you consciously eat better and exercise more, you'll have even better results.
I am earning $1,000,000 a year - Will you suddenly be earning that much money? I wish! But you will start to notice opportunities to make more money. Will you earn a million dollars a year at your current job? Not likely. But you'll become aware of investment or business opportunities that were already out there but you weren't paying attention to.
I am in a loving relationship - Playboy playmate or Chippendale's dancer suddenly appears? No. But you will most likely become more loving in the process and you attract what you are.

 There are a few "rules" to using "I am" statements. They must be in the present tense. Remember, your subconscious doesn't know what's real or not. If you say "I am" your subconscious accepts it as reality and sets out to make it happen. It must be's "I am", not "I'm not", "I am thin" as opposed to "I'm not overweight". Your subconscious mind doesn't understand "not" will just see "I'm overweight" and guess what happens? It's like when you tell yourself "Don't think of a pink elephant". What do you think of? And another key point is repetition. The more you repeat it, the more it becomes ingrained into your subconscious.

You can become what you want if you work for it. You can have what you want as long as it's in alignment with who you are...and you have to work for it. I believe the laws of attention and intention make you aware of opportunities but you still have to take advantage of the opportunities.

Interesting days

Today  - World Gratitude DayMiniature Golf Day and International Day of Peace Who, or what, are you grateful for? Let them know with a call, card or letter.

Tomorrow - Hobbit DayWhite Chocolate DayIce Cream Cone DayBusiness Women's DayElephant Appreciation DayDear Diary Day and World Car Free Day I'll definitely be celebrating Ice Cream Cone Day and trying not to think about pink elephants

Next Monday - Good Neighbor Day and Drink Beer Day Invite your neighbors over for a beer...or invite yourself over to your neighbors for a beer. It's also Family Day Depending on how old your kids are you may be able to combine this with Drink Beer Day. Or just plan something fun with your family

October 21 - Apple Day, Count Your Buttons Day and Reptile Awareness Day. But as Jim Stafford said:

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