Thursday, September 3, 2015

Some things never change

I wasn't originally going to blog today, but then I saw this blog from the Art of Manliness and thought I'd share it:

It's very long so I'll just give you the gist of it and you can refer to the link above to find out more.

What Men Complained About Women 50 and 100 Years Ago

It often seems that men and women have never before held such a low opinion of the opposite sex. Women complain that there are no more real men out there, that today’s generation of males are akin to a tribe of rude, crude, lost little boys, who won’t commit and are drifting through life. Men lament that modern women are the worst crop of females the world has ever seen — that on a whole they’re flighty, crass, and prickly, and come in two equally unpalatable flavors: angry social justice warrior and entitled princess.
Have women and men really devolved from a past golden age, when ladies were ladies and men were men?
While the Art of Manliness has a nostalgic bent both in our aesthetics and in the way we often draw lessons from history, because we spend so much time researching that history, few know as well as we do what was and was not in fact true about the past. In particular, as a collector of old books, ephemera, and vintage men’s magazines, I’ve gotten a unique look at how men actually used to feel about women back in the day. And the truth of the matter is that there’s never been a time when men haven’t complained about women (and women haven’t complained about men).
Some of the complaints of yore are unique to the time, but many have held surprisingly consistent through the ages. Indeed, though folks often react to the “red pill” sites out there as if they’re some kind of new, unprecedented phenomenon, pretty much everything brought up on those forums, both in content and tone, can be found in the men’s magazines of the 40s, 50s, and 60s.
Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at just a few excerpts (edited for length) from books and magazines, not only from the mid-century “golden age” of sex relations, but even farther back to the 1800s, and see what men used to complain about women.

Interesting days 

Today - Skyscraper Day and Welsh Rarebit Day Even though I have the day off today, I'll probably be too busy packing for my move on Friday to indulge. Plus I'm going to Bobbette Grasty's event

Tomorrow - Bring Your Manners To Work Day Yes please! Speaking of bringing your manners to work, it would be very polite to hug your boss since it's also Hug Your Boss Day. And let's not forget Lazy Mom's Day How many moms would enjoy a day off? And lastly, it's also Newspaper Carrier Day Are newspaper carriers a vanishing breed? And it's also College Colors Day What are your college colors?

Next Thursday - Swap Ideas Day Do you have ideas that you want to share? I'm open to guest bloggers

October 3 - World Card Making Day Whether you use cardstock, scissors, crayons and markers; or you use a computer with a program like Card Maker; or you use a system like SendOutCards, let your creativity shine through today. Virus Appreciation Day I don't think I'll be celebrating this one. And it's Boyfriends Day and Techies Day In my day, we were called nerds and these two celebrations were mutually exclusive

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