September 16, 2015

Does this sound familiar to you? Use these tips to help your mornings go as smoothly as possible… and maybe even allow you to catch a few more zzz’s!
Lay out clothes the night before. Anything that will be needed for your troop’s ensemble, lay it out! Shirt, pants, undergarments, socks, shoes, etc., can all be folded nicely and laid in a designated area. This will soon become routine and each child can go to their stack and get dressed on their own.
Prepare grab-and-go breakfast foods in advance. You do not have time to cook a gourmet breakfast, feed everyone and clean the mess. Instead make items that can be grabbed on the way out the door. For example, put bacon, egg and cheese on an English muffin, wrap it in plastic wrap and throw in the freezer. Everyone can grab a sandwich at their convenience. Other ideas can be found here!
Get backpacks ready the night before. Instead of rushing around trying to sign permission slips while blow drying your hair, go through each backpack before bedtime. Sign forms, look at grades and clean out trash before zipping it shut and putting it by the door. Your little one will only have to grab it on the way out the door!
Limit bathroom time. Everyone has that one child who will stand blankly in front of the mirror for 20 minutes. Set a time limit for each child that will give them ample time to conduct their bathroom needs but also speed them along. Keep in mind that it may take longer for your pre-teen daughter to get ready than it does your 5 year old son!
These tips may not give you the freedom of not setting the alarm but they can make your morning a little less stressful… or at least more organized!
Interesting days
Today - International Country Music Day, Apple Dumpling Day and Constitution Day I don't think you can get more all American than this
Tomorrow - Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day, Respect Day, Cheeseburger Day and Water Monitoring Day Not only should you hug a greeting card writer, but you should buy them a cheeseburger too
Next Thursday - Cherries Jubilee Day I've never had them, but they sound interesting. It's also $%#$@# Punctuation Day Punctuation - yeah, it's that important
October 17 - Spreadsheet Day, Bridge Day, Sweetest Day, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Mulligan Day and Wear Something Gaudy Day What will you wear?
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