Friday, August 14, 2015

The Friday Fishwrap

All the news that's fit to wrap around a dead fish!

"Friday Fishwrap" is a term that Herb Caen of the San Francisco Chronicle (as well as others I believe)  used to describe his Friday column. The term comes from the fact that Friday is a huge day at the fish market and it was common practice to wrap that big cod or flounder in a newspaper.

Starting this week, my Friday column is going to be a wrap-up of the current week's columns. There will also be a Periscope broadcast of it. Almost from the time I started this blog last year I'd been thinking about doing a podcast that wrapped up the current week, but I never did. But now with Periscope you'll be subjected to me at least once a week.

The week in review

Monday - Monday's post was on "Who are you?" and was about what makes you uniquely you. This was the topic of Tuesday's Connecting with Caren and Nancy's Google Hangout

Tuesday - "Where were you in '62?" This was a celebration (?) of my 35 year anniversary with AT&T

Wednesday - "Try to remember" paid homage to that song, the play "The Fantasticks" and the "Brothers Four"

Thursday - "1% better" about the small things you can do every day to have huge results in your life

Interesting days

This week

Thursday - International Lefthanders Day My sister is left-handed and the middle child!

Today - Social Security Day and Creamsicle Day Although I'll be having an Orange Cream Shake at Arby's instead

Next week

Tomorrow -  Corn On The Cob DayWorld Honey Bee DayRelaxation Day and International Homeless Animals Day

Sunday - Tell A Joke Day and Rollercoaster Day

Monday - Black Cat Appreciation Day and Thrift Shop Day

Tuesday - Bad Poetry Day and Mail Order Catalog Day

Wednesday - Photography DayAviation Day and World Humanitarian Day

Thursday - Lemonade DayWorld Mosquito Day and Chocolate Pecan Pie Day

Friday - Poet's Day and Spumoni Day I've never been a fan of spumoni ice cream. How about you? And it's Men's Grooming Day I'd originally planned to get a shave and a haircut on this day but I'm in the middle of the 30 Day Beard Growing Challenge and I really can't wait that much longer for a haircut...I'll probably get one today

Next month

September 10 - Swap Ideas Day

September 12 - Video Games Day and Chocolate Milk Shake Day You know I'll be there. Red Robin and Black Bear Diner both serve the remainder in the tin...although Red Robin charges extra!

September 13 - There's a lot! Programmers' Day, Fortune Cookie Day, Positive Thinking Day and Hug Your Hound Day. And that's only about half of them!

September 14 - Eat a Hoagie Day Where's your favorite place? Subway, Togo's, Quizno's or someplace else?

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