Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Knowledge is power, right?

No, it's not! As Scott Adams. the creator of "Dilbert" has shown.

If you use money as an indicator of power, then the more you know the less power you have.

Seriously, knowledge by itself is not power...only potential power. Knowledge + Action = Power. Neither knowledge nor action by themselves is a good thing.

Some of you have already seen this, but it fits right in with this discussion:

Success = Strategy x Execution

It's not enough to have knowledge and to take action. To be successful, you need a plan...a strategy. Execution then is the tactics that will bring your strategy to fruition. You need knowledge to decide what you want and to create the plan to get it. You also need knowledge to figure out the tasks or tactics to achieve your plan. And you need to take action to implement those tactics.

So no, knowledge is not power. But it is a key ingredient in success, however you define that.

Interesting days

It's also and If oysters really work, then the underwear will probably come off anyhow. But then again, it may be the pearls that actually do the job

Tomorrow - and

Next Wednesday -,, and

September 5 -,,, and I'm starting to grow mine right now (I'm actually a day into it already!)

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