Thursday, August 13, 2015

1% better

How would your life change if you got just 1% better every day? Just make a small change in one thing each day. Exercise a little harder. Work a little harder in your business. Eat a little better.

Here's an article from The Art of Manliness called "Get 1% Better Every Day: The Kaizen Way to Self-Improvement". This article focuses on achieving the big goals by working towards them a little bit every day. It also has links to some books on the subject "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy  and "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. I've heard of both of these books but I haven't read either...guess I better get busy!

And here's an article on 21 small changes you can make to your life.

Also, Jordan Adler, a network marketing top earner and trainer, talks about it here.

Here is an excerpt from Jordan's training call:
Let’s say you focus on getting 2% better each week. What can you do this week
to be 2% more productive in your business. What can you do this week to be 2% more skilled this week
in your business. Do this for 1 year. You are 100% better after 1 year. 500% better after 5 years.
What can I do better TODAY? Get 2% better each day and in 60 days you are over 100% better and in
1 year you are 500% better. That’s 5X the person you are today. If I asked you what can you do to become
2% better today . . . if I asked you that question each day, I’ll bet you could come up with something. Like
meet one more person today. Or follow up with one more person today. Or read 2 extra pages in a personal development book today OR listen to a call on today OR book myself for convention today.
Just 2% a day can completely transform your life!

The exact numbers don't really matter...just try to do a little bit every day, or even every week, and you'll be amazed at the results in a year. Just realize that you may not notice any improvement in the beginning, but it's a compound effect. At the end of the year you'll see massive improvements, You're going to be a year older anyhow, so why don't you become a year better, too!

Interesting days

Today - Are you left handed? Do you feel discriminated against? And why does the word sinister mean both left handed and evil?

 Next Thursday - When life hands you lemons...

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