Monday, June 12, 2017

The Kwik way to learning

I've talked about "knowledge is power" before but I just heard about this:

You may remember Dr. Michael Breus from the "Lions and Dolphins and Bears (and Wolves) Oh my!" post from about a month ago. I'm on Dr. Breus' email list and he sent an email with a link to a video featuring Jim Kwik of Kwik Learning.

In an article in Forbes called "Learning To Learn Faster: The One Superpower Everyone Needs" Jim Kwik talks about what led him to learn how to learn:
 Jim Kwik wasn’t always a great learner. In fact, just the opposite. At the age of 5, he suffered a head trauma and afterwards felt broken. Like his brain was broken. Like he could never keep up.
While in the hospital while recovering from exhaustion trying to keep up with learning in college, Jim realized:
School—this place he had spent all these years trying to get smarter—is a great place to learn what to learn. But it’s not necessarily a great place to learn how to learn.
“If Rip Van Winkle woke up today,” says Kwik, “the only thing he would recognize is our education system. It was created for 18th century needs, to train people to work in factories or the farm."
He learned everything he could about how people learn and began sharing it with others while he was still in college. And from there he developed Kwik Learning.

In the video, Jim talks about:

10 Keys to Improving Your Memory and Learning Anything 2-3 Times Faster

  1. Good diet
  2. Kill ANTs
  3. Exercise
  4. Brain nutrients
  5. Positive peers
  6. Clean environment
  7. Sleep
  8. Brain protection
  9. New learning
  10. Stress management
And I wrote down all ten from memory using the method in the video! There are two other videos in this introductory series and the second one is on memory and especially how to remember names.

The third video is on how to read faster.

Between remembering things in general, and specifically how to remember names, plus how to read faster should improve pretty much everybody's life.

So, check out the Kwik Learning introductory videos here and learn how to read faster and remember better!

PS - After several days I could still list the ten items above from memory.

Interesting days

Today - Red Rose DayPeanut Butter Cookie DaySuperman Day and Loving Day

Tomorrow - International Axe Throwing Day and Sewing Machine Day

Next Monday - World Sickle Cell Awareness DayJuneteenthGarfield The Cat DaySauntering Day and Martini Day

July 12 - Different Colored Eyes DayPecan Pie Day and Etch A Sketch Day

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