Friday, May 18, 2018

The week in review - May 18, 2018

Monday - "Happy Mother's Day" I hope you all enjoyed your day! "By the time you read this, Mother's Day will be over for this year. But make it a point to celebrate your mom as often as possible. You'll be glad you did! And so will she!"

Tuesday - "How to network effectively" Casey Eberhart teaches the right way to network for your business. "If you attend a network event without a pre-developed well thought out plan that results in profit before you step foot in the door, you’re dead in the water. You’ll be swimming upstream with everyone else trying to squeeze an ounce of profit out of it with zero results."

Wednesday - "A Better Way to Network" Maybe you don't need to even join networking groups or attend chamber mixers. "An excellent source of weak ties is Facebook. Most of your FB friends can be considered weak ties. And many of those could also be dormant ties...someone who was once close to you but now you're only Facebook friends."

Thursday - "For the ladies #TBT" Featuring the women in SendOutCards! "But why the emphasis on women? Because the network marketing profession is made up of 70% women. Not being a woman myself, I can't say for sure why this is, but from what I've seen and heard it's because network marketing can fit in around the other things in their lives...being a wife, mom or employee, it offers women (and men) time and money freedom."

Interesting days

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