Tuesday, May 22, 2018

How to be one of the top producers in your company

Today's blog post is closely related to yesterday's. Go ahead and read it now...I'll wait for you.

Welcome back! Now, we can continue on with today's post.

When it comes to your business, there are only 4 types of people in the world:
  1. Current clients
  2. Former clients
  3. Future clients
  4. Everyone else
You want to spend the most time with your current clients, then your former clients, followed by new clients, and little to no time with those who will never be clients.

 It's far easier to get current clients to buy more from you than to get new clients to buy anything.

So, make sure that your clients know that you care about them because about two-thirds of people stop doing business with a company because they think the company doesn't care about them.

Make a list of your top 100 clients and send them a card EVERY month. SendOutCards makes it easy, and inexpensive, to do this. Joe Girard is the World's Greatest Salesman according to the Guinness Book of World Records. How did he do it? By sending out cards to every customer who bought one of the 13,001 cars that he sold during his career. He had a team of assistants whose only job was to send out the 14,000 cards he sent to his customers and others that he felt that he needed to be in front of every month. But today you only need a SendOutCards account and a list of your top clients.

You do need to add new clients to your business from time to time. And if you really want to get to the top of your company, follow up! Fifty percent of salespeople do not follow up at all, but only about two percent of people purchase on their first exposure. In fact, it takes 90% of purchasers between five and twelve exposures before they decide to buy, yet only 10% of salespeople follow up that many times. Simply follow up with your prospects 5 - 12 times and then send them a card every month forever and you'll be at the top of your company.

DO NOT send a sales or marketing card. In fact, only one or two of the twelve cards should be business related, the rest should be thank you, happy birthday, happy holidays, congratulations, etc. I'll be glad to work with you to send the proper cards to your clients and prospects.

How much will this cost you? Less than $25 per customer per year.

If you want to find out more, click here or email me.

Interesting days

Today - Goth DaySherlock Holmes DayMaritime DayHarvey Milk Day and International Day for Biological Diversity

Tomorrow - Lucky Penny DayTurtle Day and Title Track Day

Next Tuesday - Biscuit DayLearn About Composting DayPut A Pillow On Your Fridge Day and Paper Clip Day

June 22 - Take Your Dog To Work DayOnion Rings Day and Chocolate Éclair Day

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