Tuesday, May 15, 2018

How to network effectively

This is the first of two parts on how to network effectively. Today, I'll be talking about an awesome event coming up this Saturday in Los Angeles. If there's any way that you can be there live, it'd be worth it to you. But if you can't make it, then sign up for the Live Stream and watch it remotely. I've attended in person once and remotely 3 or 4 times. Unfortunately, there's a SendOutCards event going on the same day this year, so I'll be watching the recording.

Here's the description of the event:

Dear Fellow Business Owner,

My name is Casey Eberhart and chances are you too have struggled with the age-old problem of ROI -- How To Get The Biggest Bang For Your Buck attracting new prospects to whatever product or service you sell. Whether it's high-ticket items, consulting packages, or even the cheapest product or service available the Number One way to get FREE Business is Networking.

But, most people spin their wheels and waste their time at events and end up with zero business as a result.

Let’s face it.

Everyone in the room is there for the same reason. To get business. While you’re trying to push your product or service on to fellow attendees, they are trying to do the exact same thing to you, resulting in a stand-still where no one buys jack shit.

Every week it’s the same.

You go to another BNI meeting.
Another Toastmasters meeting.
Another meetup group.
Another big conference.
Another chamber meeting.

You're up with the roosters headed to a crappy coffee shop.

And what happens?

You invest thousands of dollars of your time and money only to end up with a stack of worthless business cards and continually engaging in dribble conversation with prospects that will NEVER spend a dime with you. After a while it becomes more of a social gathering where everyone “brainstorms” their frustrations, but no sales.

I too have gone in the same circles for years and finally discovered a simple formula that works at every single event. Not only does everyone in attendance flock to me, but I end up getting new business from people they know, even if the folks in attendance have zero interest in what I offer.

Not to toot my own horn, but in my inner circle of high-powered influential decision makers, I’m looked upon as a celebrity who can turn a struggling start-up into a multi-million dollar business practically overnight using nothing but “Relationship Capital”. Since so many people were begging to know the inside secrets on how to do it themselves, Networking Riches was born.

Here’s the deal:

If you attend a network event without a pre-developed well thought out plan that results in profit before you step foot in the door, you’re dead in the water. You’ll be swimming upstream with everyone else trying to squeeze an ounce of profit out of it with zero results.

If you’re too chicken to approach the decision makers, don’t know who they are, or exactly what to say, you’re doomed. You’ve got all of twelve seconds to get it right or no business for you.

When you attend Network Riches, here's a small sample of what you will walk away with:

Are you fearful of approaching decision makers and the influential people that can skyrocket your business overnight?

I was too, but once you see how this simple formula works (using 7 benign words) the "big wigs" are going to be putty in your hands. They'll be spending more time with you than anyone else in the room and by the end of the day them giving you business will be like giving away free ice cream to a seven year old.

What would you expect to reasonably pay for something like this?

If only one good tip resulted in a ten-fold increase in business for you over the next six months, would it be worth $1,997 to attend?

And even though being at the event is no where close to the same experience as watching the recordings (because you won't get a personalized step-by-step implementation plan just for you) would it be worth waiting a few months until the recordings are released and paying $497 for them?

Look, if you're generating five or fifty thousand dollars a year, or even zero and just starting out, shortcuts are the way to go. No one has ever attended Networking Riches and said it wasn't worth at least $5,000 so $497 or $1,997 would be a steal.


This going to be an absolute no-brainer decision for you. In fact, it's going to cost you more NOT to go then to be here.

For the ridiculous low price of just $47 you are going to be in a limited capacity setting and receiving personalized attention to give your business a complete 180 degree shift and once and for all, get off the launching pad. And if Networking Riches in itself were not enough, here's more...

Much more...incli=duing a couple of bonuses! Be sure to check out all the information here.

Interesting days

June 15 - Nature Photography DayFlip-Flop DaySmile Power DayMagna Carta DayWorld Elder Abuse Awareness DayLobster Day and Beer Day Britain So, put on your flip-flops and hoist a pint in honor of the Magna Carta. I'm sure that'll bring a smile to your face. BTW - What kind of beer pairs best with lobster?

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