Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mirror, Mirror

I'm reposting one of my favorite blog posts. I have some new readers and I thought they'd find it interesting (plus I hadn't written anything new!).

Go ahead. Look in the mirror. What do you see? No, look beyond the wonderful person we both know you are. Look deeper. What do you see? A network marketer!

Even if you've sworn that you'd never be a network marketer, you do it all the time.

Whenever you tell (market) your friends and family (your network) about a product or service, you're network marketing.

Imagine that you just saw the greatest movie ever created. What do you do? You tell everyone you know about it. So, what happens? A few people find your taste in movies questionable and they don't see it. A few others don't have the money to see it. A few are boycotting the movie studio and refuse to see anything they put out. But a few go to see it because you recommended it. The studio makes more money because of you. But do they even thank you?

Now suppose this was a progressive studio and they pay you a small portion of each of the tickets that your friends purchase. Nice! But it gets better! They pay you for every ticket they purchase for the rest of their lives! That's known as residual income. But wait! There's more! Some of your friends like the movie so much that they tell their friends who tell their friends…and you get paid for all of those tickets purchased for the rest of their lives. That's leveraged residual income.

When your friends tell you about some great product or service that they love and want you to watch a video about it, don't go running away. Even if you're not interested in a business opportunity, it just may end up being a product that you'll love, too. So go ahead and check out the video. And then look in the mirror again. Yes, you're a network marketer.

Interesting days

Today - Cubicle DayBlueberry Pie DayWorkers' Memorial Day and Biological Clock Day 

Tomorrow -  International Dance DayWorld Wish DayZipper Day and  Hairball Awareness Day

Next Thursday - Cartoonists Day and Password Day No, not the TV game show from the 60's

May 28 - Amnesty International Day and Hamburger Day My favorite burger place these days is Habit Burger. I tried to go to the one here in Modesto once, but the line was out the door. I guess I'll have to try it again

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