Thursday, April 4, 2019

When will you live your dream life? #TBT

Today's blog post was originally published two years ago:

Most people, me included, work when they're awake, so the only time they can live the life of their dreams is when they're actually dreaming.

You may get a small taste of it on the weekend when you don't have chores to do and you're not too tired from your long work week. Or maybe during your 2 weeks of vacation, if you can afford to get away. But for the most part, the only time we can live the life we want is when we're asleep!

But what if we could reverse the two and make money when we're asleep and live the life we want when we're awake? Not only is it possible, but lots of people are already doing it! One of my favorite people who is living the life that she wants is Darla DiGrandi. Check her out on Facebook and see what I mean! Check out this 3 minute video of her talking about how you need a business that provides leveraged residual income in order to have true time freedom.


But what is leveraged residual income?

There are 2 main types of income...linear and non-linear, of which residual is a type of non-linear income. Linear income is working from 9 to 5 and being paid for working 9 to 5. Except for vacations, if you don't work you don't get paid. You do this Monday through Friday for 40 years and then you retire, if you're lucky, and collect a pension and/or Social Security.

Residual income is when you get paid for doing something once, like writing a book, or a song, or a movie. Or performing in a song or movie. Elvis Presley makes more money now than when he was alive because his records are still selling and his movies are still being shown on TV!

But what about the leveraged part? That's where number 2 in Darla's video comes in. You want other people working for you or with you providing you with residual income. And one of the best ways to do that is with a network marketing business, where others on your team earn residual income and you earn a small slice of their income. Which isn't any different than a broker for an insurance agency. Each agent earns residual income...once they sign you up for a policy, it automatically renews every year unless you cancel it. And the broker makes a percentage of each policy...year after year. With network marketing, you introduce someone to the business and help them get started, and you earn from them forever.

What company does Darla recommend? The same one I'm in...SendOutCards.

Hopefully, I can get Darla to come and speak at one of our upcoming Super Saturday events! Check out tomorrow's blog post for more about this month's Super Saturday coming up this weekend!

Interesting days

Today - Vitamin C DayTell A Lie DayWorld Rat DayKickball DayCordon Bleu DayD.A.R.E. DayCarrot Day and Walk Around Things Day

Tomorrow - Walk to Work DayDeep Dish Pizza DayStar Trek First Contact DayCaramel DayPoet in a Cupcake DayGo For Broke DayHospital Admitting Clerks Day and Read A Road Map Day

Next Thursday - Pet DayCheese Fondue DayBarbershop Quartet DaySubmarine Day and World Parkinson’s Disease Day

May 4 - Free Comic Book Day, Join Hands Day, Firefighters' Day, Petite And Proud Day and Star Wars Day Check out the official Star Wars Day website

Week long celebrations:
Apr 28 - May 4: Go Diaper Free Week

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