Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Millionaire Maker

That's the name of a game by financial guru Loral Langemeir. From Wikipedia:
Loral Langemeier (born Loral L. Langemeier; June 24, 1965) is an American writer on finance. She has written books which have appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list.
She has appeared on The Dr. Phil Show and other media outlets.
After meeting Robert Kiyosaki in San Francisco, Langemeier created the distribution system of his financial board game "Cashflow" as a teaching tool for those who want to go back into entrepreneurial-ism. She approached Kiyosaki about helping expand his cash-flow game, and worked with him as a Master Distributor until 2001.
Langemeier has been a weekly guest columnist on and for, an in-depth financial analysis and news website co-founded by CNBC host, Jim Cramer.
I've written about the Cashflow game several times and now I'm going to write about the Millionaire Maker game.

As with the Cashflow game, the Millionaire Maker game that I'll be playing this Saturday will be hosted by Dennis Beckman. I first met Dennis at his Cashflow years ago last month!

After that I seemed to run into him everywhere! I went to a BNI meeting. There was Dennis. I went to a random networking event in San Ramon. There he was. I walked down the street in downtown guessed it. I went to a friend of a friend's house to play a game called Millionaire Maker...yep.

Dennis started offering this game via Meetup two months ago but this is the first chance I've had to go.

So, what is Millionaire Maker? From Sears:
The Millionaire Maker Game Experience Your Fastest Path to Cash 
The Millionaire Maker Game, a new educational board game designed to expand the financial minds of Americans everywhere when it comes building a life of financial freedom. 
The Millionaire Maker Game was created by DreamLife Games, LLC and Loral Langemeier, three-time national best-selling author. The Millionaire Maker Game delivers an interactive experience where players are cast into the life of an entrepreneur where big deals are made daily. 
Players can lose everything or live the life of luxury based on the choices they make. 
"Who doesn't want to be a millionaire? Now anyone can be an instant one right in the comfort of their own home, using the same techniques in the game that I have used in business to help hundreds of my clients become millionaires in as little as three to five years. It takes teamwork to live a millionaire lifestyle and by playing as a group, participants learn to build their wealth together," said Langemeier. 
In this entrepreneurial game of creating Wealth Cycles like the wealthy do, players have the option to kiss their W-2 job goodbye and live a life of extreme wealth by building assets and owning income-generating businesses. Like real life for an entrepreneur, the game is filled with opportunities and challenges. Participants can build diversified financial portfolios consisting of real estate assets, such as a six-unit apartment building, or even purchase a share of an oil well. Players can also get sued by a disgruntled employee or possibly have to give up some of their assets that aren't structured properly. By rolling dice, choosing cards and participating in the foundational building blocks that create a Wealth Cycle, players have 60 minutes to the make the best, strategic business decisions they can to end up with highest net worth. The player with the highest net worth wins.
You're all welcome to join me this Saturday.

Interesting days

Today - Golfer’s Day, Sibling Day, Bookmobile Day, International Safety Pin Day and Day of Pink

Tomorrow - Pet DayCheese Fondue DayBarbershop Quartet DaySubmarine Day and World Parkinson’s Disease Day

Next Wednesday - Nothing Like A Dame DayBat Appreciation DayBanana DayWorld Hemophilia DayCheeseball Day, Haiku Poetry DayBlah Blah Blah Day and Ford Mustang Day

May 10 - Mother Ocean DayOne Day Without Shoes DayMilitary Spouse Appreciation DayWorld Lupus DayStay Up All Night Night and Public Gardens Day

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