Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Eagle has landed

Another Eagle distributor in SendOutCards, that is! Some of you may remember that I posted about this a couple of times recently. Now, Phebe Trotman is the third new Eagle in two months!

I think it's very telling that all of the 3 newest Eagles are women, while most of the previous 3 were men (there was actually one couple, while the other two were men). Even though 80% of the reps in direct sales and network marketing are women, many of the top leaders are male. Why is this?

According to one of my earlier posts, men are often more attracted to the business side, while women, even though they may be looking for money, are often attracted to the social side of the business. But according to an article in Networking Times by Sonia Stringer, there are 3 traits of female leaders:
  1. Successful Women are Masters at Networking
  2. Successful Women Leverage their Natural Skills to Sell and Sponsor 
  3. Successful Women set up Support Systems 
Another key that seems to apply, is the fact that women are often better than men at celebrating the successes of others. And since network marketing is based on teamwork this can be very important.

I don't know much about Diane Walker, but Melissa Barlock and Phebe are both success oriented, for themselves but even more for their teams, and I think this is why they've risen to the top.

I think we're going to see more female leaders in SendOutCards, as well as other companies, as they learn that they can build really successful businesses while still being true to themselves.

Interesting days

Today - Nothing DayAppreciate A Dragon DayInternational Hot and Spicy Food Day and
Religious Freedom Day

Tomorrow - Kid Inventors’ DayDitch New Year's Resolutions Day and Cable Car Day

Next Tuesday - Handwriting DayMeasure Your Feet Day and Pie Day

February 16 - Innovation DayAlmond DayDo a Grouch a Favor Day and Tim Tam Day

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