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All the news that's fit to wrap around a dead fish |
The week in review
Monday - "Don't ignore your promptings" A prompting is that inner voice that tells you that you should do something. This post talks about the "Promptings Academy" that was held in Las Vegas over the weekend. "In his book "Promptings", Kody Bateman, the founder and CEO of SendOutCards, talks all about promptings. And he also talked about promptings at the Promptings Academy this past weekend in Las Vegas. The Promptings Academy is the live seminar version of the book and I highly recommend it."
Tuesday - "Is "Fake it 'til you make it" a valid strategy?" Or is it being deceitful? "So, whatever it is that you want to be, go ahead and act like you're already there. Your brain will do what it can to bring how you act and what you think in alignment, But you have to deeply believe that it's already true. You can't just go through the motions...you really have to believe that you're already the kind of person that you want to be. And you need to do the sort of things that sort of person does."
Wednesday - "The 3 essential steps of every sales transaction" Ask - Present - Ask. "Ask your prospect if he or she is interested in your product or service. Make your sales presentation. Ask for the sale"
Thursday - "Stretch for the Irrational #TBT squared" This was a double throwback! "This is a recursive throwback, that is a throwback to a throwback, since the post from 2 years ago was actually a post from 2 years before that, so essentially this is a throwback to 4 years ago! Which is why I'm calling it #TBT squared. The original post is from my old Empower Network blog."
Interesting days
Tomorrow - Battery Day, Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day, World Whale Day, World Pangolin Day, Pluto Day and Drink Wine Day
Next Friday - World Bartender Day and Tortilla Chip Day
March 17 - Saint Patrick's Day
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