Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Know your limits

I had these two posts on my Facebook feed almost at the same time (there was one post in between them).

But more importantly, do you limit yourself unnecessarily?

Most of the limits we face in life are self-imposed, or imposed upon us by others, that have no real basis in reality. There are some limits that are arbitrary, such as speed limits:

And some are based on the laws of physics, such as terminal velocity, which is the maximum speed an object can reach in freefall.

So, unless the limits are physical or legal laws, they are all in your mind.

Here's an excerpt from an article from Psychology Today on how to overcome self-imposed limitations:
The senses fool us. They tell us that the earth is flat, that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, that we are standing still and that we are not falling. If we move past this perceptual deception and begin to develop a conscious awareness of the reality that we inhabit, we begin to question the information that we are gathering from our senses and, in doing so, challenge our perceptions and come closer to a ripening state of consciousness.
This same process applies to our self-perception and our world view. Perception - particularly self-perception - can, regrettably, be reality. That is the trap, and that is where, quite frankly, we become a victim of our own device.
We need to examine our "reality" since our senses, internal and external, don't really perceive things as they actually are.

Interesting days

Today - Ballet DayWave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day and Send a Card to a Friend Day

Chocolate Dipped Mint Oreos

Detailed Description:

We start by taking delicious mint Oreo cookies, cover them in delicious Fernwood milk chocolate and then top them with crushed peppermint candy. This incredibly delicious flavor combination is a treat for everyone to enjoy, especially mint lovers!

Check out these and other Valentine's Day gifts here.

March 7 - Be Heard DayCereal DayUnique Names Day and Crown Roast of Pork Day Check out this recipe

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