Thursday, December 3, 2015


Context is very important! Here are the lyrics to a song from the 1940's:
Oh, mairzy doats and dozy doats and little lambsy divey
A kiddley divey, too. Wouldn't you? 
By themselves, they look like gibberish, but if you listen to the song they take on a whole new meaning:

And here's another song by Dodie Stevens, which may be more familiar to some of you:

What did this have to do with context? Nothing. I just like Dodie Stevens!

I'm going to do another post, hopefully next week, on data and information and how context differentiates the two. I figured this would be a fun introduction to the subject.

Interesting days

Today - Roof Over Your Head DayDisability Day and Make A Gift Day

Tomorrow - Wear Brown Shoes Day Maybe I'll wear tan shoes with pink shoelaces! I hadn't planned this, but it worked out pretty well. It's also Bartender Appreciation DayDice DayWorld Wildlife Conservation Day and Cookie Day

Next Thursday - Human Rights Day

January 3 - Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day and Drinking Straw Day Hmmmm. I wonder if you can throw chocolate covered cherries in a blender and drink it?

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