Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Achieving Success Through the Pursuit of Fulfillment

Today's blog post is based on a podcast on The Art of Manliness:
The standard route to success in modern life goes as follows: work hard in high school, score high on your SAT, get into a good college, do well in your classes, get a good job.

For some people, that path works, but for a lot of people, it leaves them disengaged and frustrated because it doesn’t actually lead to a life of fulfillment.

My guest today has spent his academic career studying individuals who have bucked the standard formula for achievement and found success on their own terms. His name is Todd Rose. He’s a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the co-author of the book Dark Horse: Achieving Success Through the Pursuit of Fulfillment. We begin our conversation discussing what Todd calls the “Standardization Covenant,” including how it developed to serve institutions rather than individuals and why following the standard path often leads to frustration. Todd then explains his idea of an alternative “Dark Horse Covenant” and what it looks like theoretically and in the lives of those who’ve followed it. He then walks us through the steps that dark horses follow to find success and fulfillment on their own terms, including focusing on “micromotives” to figure out where you fit, making decisive choices, creating your own options, and trying new strategies until you find something that works. We end our conversation with how Todd would like to see the Dark Horse dynamic incorporated into our educational system.
I actually thought it was a really interesting podcast. I've written about the educational system before, which is the basis of the standardization covenant...where people are raised to fit into certain roles in society.

It's never too late to find fulfillment in what you do for a fact, it's selfish of you to not pursue what will create the best you that you can offer the world.

Here are the show highlights:
  • What do people typically think success looks like?
  • What is the “standardization covenant”?
  • How higher education fails our search for fulfillment 
  • Successfully pivoting from the standard path to the dark horse path 
  • How to figure out what gives you fulfillment 
  • Knowing what motivates you and the power of micromotives (and how it changes over time) 
  • Balancing risk with practicality in pursuing fulfillment 
  • Picking vs. choosing 
  • Knowing your strategies 
  • Why you should ignore your destination 
  • Utilizing this approach in K-12 education environments
I highly recommend that you take 45 minutes and listen to the podcast!

Interesting days

Tomorrow - Bring Your Bible to School DayBoyfriend’s DayVirus Appreciation Day and Techies Day

Month long celebrations:
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
Next Wednesday - Beer and Pizza DayCanadian Beer DayScrubs DayWorld Post DayBring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School DayEmergency Nurses DayMoldy Cheese DayPet Obesity Awareness DayFire Prevention Day and Curious Events Day

Month long celebrations:
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
November 2 - Deviled Egg DayNumbat Day and Dynamic Harmlessness Day

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