Thursday, May 26, 2016

Your network equals your net worth

Some of you may have heard that statement before. If you haven't (and maybe even if you have), you may not know what it means. To me, it says that successful people have lots of contacts and they nurture those contacts. Harvey Mackay is known as being a great networker, not only because he has a large network but because he has a strong relationship with the people in it.

Some of you may remember a thing called the Rolodex:

If you're young, you may have never seen one. They were used to primarily store business cards, usually alphabetically. If you didn't have a business card for someone, you could write the info on a card, sort of like an index card, and put it in the Rolodex. This appears to be a large network but it's difficult to tell what the quality is like.

I happen to have a Rolodex like this one in my desk drawer at work:

Although I think it's empty.

This was a great system at the time and I'm sure many people still use them. But the modern electronic CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, like Salesforce, or even the contact manager in your phone, because your network isn't always about business, is much easier to use.

One of the best ways that I know of to manage your contacts, whether personal or professional, is with the contact manager included with a free SendOutCards account. Yes, you can get a SOC account for free, with enough free storage for 1,500 contacts, 500 photos (it's time to get all those photos off your phone so you have enough space to take more), 250 saved cards and 50 campaigns. There is never a charge for having the system on your computer, laptop, tablet and/or smartphone (yes, there's an app for that) there's only a charge if you send a card. 

A couple of nice features is that you'll get email reminders two weeks before a birthday or anniversary of all of the contacts that you enter into the system and there's a history of every card that you've sent to a contact. 

But what if you have more than 1,500 contacts or more than 500 photos? Don't worry, we've got you covered. You can double the amount of storage (although only 2,500 contacts) for a one-time fee of $99, plus you get a 7-touch campaign that you can use immediately to reach out to your contacts 7 times...automatically. Still not enough? For a one-time fee of $199 you get unlimited storage for your contacts, photos, cards and campaigns, plus the 7-touch campaign! There are no additional charges for the system. The only time you'll pay anything more is if you actually send a card and that's only $1.17 - $1.98 per card plus postage of 47 cents (yes, it's gone down by 2 cents).

Remember, your net worth isn't only measured in's also measured by the quality of your relationships!

So, sign up for your free SendOutCards account at or email me at and I'll be glad to help you setup your account or answer any questions you have about the system, cards and/or gifts.

Interesting days

Tomorrow - Cellophane Tape DayDon't Fry Day and Sun Screen Day

Next Thursday - Leave The Office Earlier Day and Rocky Road Day One of my favorite ice cream flavors! I'm all out...I better stock up

June 26 - It's Beautician's Day and Chocolate Pudding Day. These two seem to go together really well...Log Cabin Day and Canoe Day

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