Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

I'm lucky in that I don't personally know anyone who died while serving their country. I went into the US Air Force in 1975 and I knew a lot of people who served over in Vietnam and I served again in the 2000's in the CA Air National Guard. Even though I was deployed during that time, I again didn't know anybody who died.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of my friends who can't say the same thing. They lost spouses, siblings, parents or children, as well as other loved ones and I thank every one of you for their sacrifice, as well as for yours!

There seems to be some confusion over the various military holidays.

  • Memorial Day is held on the last Monday in May and it was created to honor the memory of all those who died in service to their country
  • Veteran's Day is held on November 11th of every year. This holiday celebrates the contribution of every one who has served in the military, but is no longer serving
  • Armed Forces Day is a day to honor those who are currently serving in the Armed Forces. In the United States it is held on the 3rd Saturday in May
Memorial Day wasn't always part of a 3 day weekend. It was originally celebrated on May 30th every year until 1971 when the Uniform Monday Holiday Act went into effect. 

Some people don't like having Memorial Day being part of a 3 day weekend but I personally think it gives people more time to think about the holiday and to enjoy the various festivities.

Although this year was marred by idiots (that's the nicest term I could come up with) who drove through a bunch of crosses that were setup to honor those who died in service to our country; and who defaced a memorial wall to honor Vietnam Veterans. I'm not sure if those people were caught but I hope they're severely punished. Anything that tarnishes the memory of those men and women, especially at this time of year, should be a felony!

I will always honor the sacrifices made by those who gave all. And their loved ones!

Interesting days

Today - Mint Julep DayWater a Flower Day and Loomis Day. And, of course, Memorial Day!

June 30 - Social Media Day and Meteor Watch Day Which is a really terrible time for this, since there aren't any meteor showers on this day

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