Thursday, May 12, 2016

Do you network like Oprah? (revisited)

In September I did a series of posts based on an event that international speaker and trainer, Casey Eberhart, did. I'm doing the same thing again because I'm going to an all day event of his this Saturday in LA.

The first post in that series was called "Do you network like Oprah?" and it was based on the idea that Oprah doesn't carry business cards. Casey did a speech at the SendOutCards annual convention at the beginning of September last year about what he did when someone asked him for his business card, since he doesn't carry any. By not carrying business cards, he's in control of the conversation. Here's a link to that speech (at about the 6:00 mark).

Here's the info from the Eventbrite page:

The problem is most people are not making ANY money from networking and it is about time that STOPS!

Come to this event and you will never have that problem again! We will teach you how to spot, connect with and follow up with POI's (People Of Influence) 

I am so excited about having you this LIVE event! The last time we did this event people loved it!

This event will be like NONE other!  This event will be talked about for the content and value as well as the overall experience that you will be a part of!

The event is 1 full day of Networking Riches!  So here is the deal, we will be building your brand and your network from the ground up!

We will be discussing evaluating, identifying, building, marketing to and promoting your network!
This will be semi hands on!

You will come away from this event with:

$~Mindset shift to increase your networking profits!
$~A facebook photo for you to use how you see fit
$~The RIGHT places to network (and where to avoid)
$~A written plan on building your network
$~A written avatar on your ideal client
$~Ways to build your ideal network of people, prospects, influencers and clients!
$~Simple formula to use at EVERY networking event!
$~Messaging to your network!
$~How to be positioned for maximum exposure and profit
$~A whole new way of networking for profit!

This event is my heart and soul put into teaching you the skill of networking for maximum profit in your business.  We will discuss leverage, mindset, creating your message, marketing your message and building the most VALUABLE asset you can have..... your NETWORK!

If you are building a home based business or a brick and mortar business, then this IS for YOU! 

I have spent years perfecting this content and if you do not feel you get 10 times what you invest, let me know and I will cut you a check no questions asked!

You do feel you are worth it, don't you??

Grab a ticket before we sell out, I believe we will be full very quickly!

Give your business the shot in the arm it needs!

If you're anywhere near the LA area on Saturday, come check it out.

Interesting days

Today - Odometer Day, International Nurses Day, Nutty Fudge Day and Limerick Day This was my dad's favorite limerick: 

A wonderful bird is the Pelican.
His beak can hold more than his belly can.
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week!
But I'll be darned if I know how the hellican?

We lived on the beach on Monterey Bay for a few years and we saw lots of pelicans, so we heard that one a lot!

Tomorrow - International Hummus DayFrog Jumping DayLeprechaun DayTop Gun Day and Blame Someone Else Day

Next Thursday -  Notebook Day and May Ray Day 

June 12 - Peanut Butter Cookie Day, Loving Day, Superman Day and Red Rose Day

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