Monday, January 26, 2015

I didn't realize when I decided what I was going to blog about today, that it's clean your inbox week! So, I'm going to share a few tips that I've picked up along the way. Actually 4 tips, known as the 4 Ds. I've seen these Ds in a couple of different orders, but I think this one is the best.

  1. Delete - if at all possible, delete any emails immediately
  2. Delegate - if you can't delete it, give it to somebody else to take care of if you can, whether it's an assistant, a co-worker or your boss
  3. Do - if you haven't deleted it or delegated it, then do whatever you have to do to get it out of your inbox, whether it's to reply or forward it. If it can be completed in less than 2 minutes
  4. Defer - if you haven't deleted or delegated this piece of email and it's going to take more than 2 minutes to do it, then defer it. But don't just leave it hanging out in your inbox. Instead schedule it as a task that needs to be completed

We'll talk about these steps more in depth during the rest of the week, but until then start doing what you can to clean your inbox this week.

Interesting days

This week is #‎CleanInbox‬ week

Today - And Maybe if you're lucky your peanut brittle will come wrapped in bubble wrap. It's also Or maybe you can wrap your spouse in bubble wrap

Tomorrow - I know a few people (including me) who will be enjoying this day

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