Thursday, August 16, 2018

How to join the 1% #TBT

This post was originally published last year:

According to Networking Times magazine, there were 103 million people involved in network marketing worldwide in 2015, although only about 20 million were from the U.S. Since the population here in the States was about 326 million in 2015, that means that about 1 in 16 Americans were involved in network marketing 2 years ago. I don't have current numbers.

With 2015 global sales at $183 billion dollars and U.S. sales at $36 billion, network marketing is a huge industry!

How much do top earners make?  As of January 2017 the top earner made $2,100,000 per MONTH in 2016. The 200th made $1,440,000 per year...which isn't too bad. Jordan Adler, the top earner in SendOutCards, was number 126 on the list with an annual income of $1,800,000 per year. The median income of those 200 top earners is $2,100,000 per year. But 200 out of 103 million is only about two ten-thousandths of 1%. So, how much does the top 1% make? I don't know. I haven't found any definitive answers...but probably not very it's easy to get into the top 1%.

Here's a perspective by Richard Bliss Brooke on why so many people fail at network marketing:
I am often asked by distributors, "What does the average distributor earn?" The answer sets them back a bit. "Nothing." The average distributor earns nothing, invests virtually nothing, learns nothing, practices nothing, risks nothing, and does nothing … all the while expecting to make it big like the company's video suggested. Network Marketing is not an opportunity for someone of average ambition, average courage, average confidence, or an average work ethic. Malmart is.
Be sure to read Richard's advice on how you can succeed at being in the top 1% (or better)!

Interesting days

Today - Tell A Joke DayRum DayWave At The Surveillance Cameras DayWorld Bratwurst DayAirborne Day and Rollercoaster Day

Tomorrow - Thrift Shop DayMen’s Grooming DayBlack Cat Appreciation Day and Vanilla Custard Day

Next Thursday -  Ride the Wind DayValentino DayBurger DayCuban Sandwich Day and Sponge Cake Day

September 16 - Wife Appreciation Day, World Ozone Day, Stepfamily Day, Collect Rocks Day, Play Doh DayWorking Parents Day and Guacamole Day Do you have a favorite guacamole recipe? Share it!

Because there just isn't enough chemistry humor in the world!

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