Tuesday, February 12, 2019

More on habits

I've written about habits three times in the past month, and several other times over the years, so I figured I'd try and put some of it together...concentrating on the 3 most recent posts.

The first one, published on January 15th, was "3 powerful habits you need to jumpstart the new year" which talked about keystone habits. I first mentioned keystone habits here but this post talks more about them.
“The power of a keystone habit draws from its ability to change your self-image. Basically anything can become a keystone habit if it has this power to make you see yourself in a different way.”
What are the 3 powerful habits that they're talking about?
Keystone habit 1: More exercise
Keystone habit 2: Better sleep
Keystone habit 3: Waking up earlier
I don't think we're surprised by any of those.

The second blog post was "4 Simple Habits to Build Wealth Faster" which are probably good things to know also.
Habit No. 1: Frugality
Habit No. 2: Discipline
Habit No. 3: Hard Work
Habit No. 4: Time Management
Again, nothing surprising here.

And the final post was "You Can Build 5 Habits This Year, Who Do You Want To Be? " which didn't talk about any specific habits, but how you can build 5 new habits each year because it takes, in most cases, 66 days to build a new habit. And it talks about building habits that lead to an end goal.
Working backward from an end-goal, try to paint a complete picture of the path you need to take to achieve our desired results. Each outcome on that path represents a habit we need to build that will allow progress to take place. When looking at the goals you’ve set for the year, you should be able to place a “therefore” between each step and see how each action you take leads to the next.
Once you start the exercise, you’ll likely see how building only 5 habits can snowball into monumental change. In fact, you might find it difficult to chart out more than 5 habits at a time.
My plan is to work on the 3 keystone habits first and then probably frugality and time management. Even though none of these really lead to an end goal, I think they're important enough on their own to work on them.

For frugality, as well as some time management, I can do meal prepping, and for time management I can do bullet journalling and/or The ONE Thing.

So, what 5 habits will you consider creating over the coming year?

Interesting days

Today - Darwin DayExtraterrestrial Culture DayPlum Pudding Day and Lost Penny Day

Tomorrow - Radio DayGet A Different Name DayEmployee Legal Awareness DayMadly In Love With Me Day and Tortellini Day

Next Tuesday - Chocolate Mint Day and International Tug-of-War Day

March 12 - Organize Your Home Office DayRegistered Dietitian DayGirl Scout DayPlant a Flower DayBaked Scallops Day and International Fanny Pack Day

Mar 10 - 16: Groundwater Awareness WeekSleep Awareness Week and Universal Women’s Week

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