Tuesday, January 15, 2019

3 powerful habits you need to jumpstart the new year

Today's blog post is from an article on the I Will Teach You to be Rich website.
Keystone habits have the opportunity to impact your entire life. But what are they exactly and what does a good habit look like? Here are three to help you get started.

Imagine a dozen dominoes lined up in a row. Push the first domino and what happens? They all fall down.

Now take that same dozen and double it. No, triple it. No, wait — add 15,000 dominoes, branching off into a bunch of crazy shapes and designs. Now, push the first domino and what happens?
Here’s a video to help you out:

And here's a video that talks about the power of dominoes as discussed in "The One Thing"

BTW - The One Thing planner is available. I have mine and I'll talk about it more either later this week or next week. But for now, let's continue with keystone habits:
Why are we talking about dominoes and cool YouTube videos? That’s because today we’re talking about keystone habits. These are the habits that — once implemented — have a positive impact on many other facets of your life.
Like the first domino pushed in a row of others, all you need to do is perform this one habit and you’ll see the benefits ripple out.
Let’s break down exactly what a keystone habit is, its origins, and give you three of the best keystone habits you can start today.
I've talked about The Power of Habit before:
Charles Duhigg introduced the concept of keystone habits to millions in his book The Power of Habit. In it, he describes keystone habits as “chain reactions that help other good habits take hold.”
From Charles:
“The power of a keystone habit draws from its ability to change your self-image. Basically anything can become a keystone habit if it has this power to make you see yourself in a different way.”
So, what are the 3 keystone habits?
Keystone habit 1: More exercise
Keystone habit 2: Better sleep
Keystone habit 3: Waking up earlier
I don't think that any of us are surprised by the first or last entries on this list, but what about the second? Getting the proper amount of sleep is very important. I talk a lot about sleep in this blog...be sure to look at previous blog posts on that subject.

And be sure to get the free download of  "The Ultimate Guide to Habits: Peak Performance Made Easy". I've downloaded mine!

Interesting days

Today - Hat DayPothole Day and Strawberry Ice Cream Day

Tomorrow - Museum Selfie Day, Nothing DayAppreciate A Dragon DayInternational Hot and Spicy Food Day and Religious Freedom Day

Next Tuesday - Answer Your Cat’s Questions DayBlonde Brownie DayCelebration Of Life Day and Hot Sauce Day

February 15 - Hippo DayGumdrop DaySingles Awareness Day and No One Eats Alone Day

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