Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Why Calendars are More Effective Than To Do Lists

Today's blog post is based on an article from Pocket:
If there’s one pattern I’ve come across in dozens of articles, books I’ve read, and the 100’s of people that I’ve interviewed, it’s that the most prolific, productive and successful ones don’t depend on to-do lists, they depend on a calendar. It’s a lesson I’ve learned over and over again in my own work. The likelihood of me getting anything done goes up significantly when I put something on the calendar.
Our lives are dictated almost entirely by units of time:
  • Publishers give authors deadlines
  • Professors give students a syllabus with important dates
  • Google maps gives you an estimated time for how long it will take to get to your destination
  • When you get your car repaired, they tell you what time it will be ready.
  • When you ship something you are told how long it will take to get to the recipient
Given the role that time plays in our lives, it would make sense to focus on managing our time instead of our tasks. Using a calendar effectively can help you tap into the power of one focused hour a day.
Especially in network marketing, they say "Show me your calendar and I'll tell you how much money you're making." Why? Because you need appointments with people in order to share your product or opportunity.

Here are some highlights of the article:
1. Changing Your Behavior with a Calendar
Using a Calendar for Tasks and Reminders
Using a Calendar for Goals
Scheduling Meetings More Efficiently
In the article they talk about using the Google Calendar app...I downloaded it and I'm playing around with it. There are several categories for goals, including Exercise, Build a Skill, Friends & Family, and more. The article also points out the difference between a task and a reminder.
Millionaires don’t use to do lists. If something truly matters to you, put it on your calendar. You’ll be amazed at how much the likelihood of getting it done increases.
So, download the app and fill up your calendar!

Interesting days

Today - Apricot DayLaw Enforcement Appreciation DayStatic Electricity DayPlay God Day and Balloon Ascension Day

Tomorrow - Peculiar People DayCut Your Energy Costs DayHouseplant Appreciation Day and Bittersweet Chocolate Day

Next Wednesday - Nothing DayAppreciate A Dragon DayInternational Hot and Spicy Food Day and Religious Freedom Day

February 9 - Read In The Bathtub DayToothache Day and Pizza Day

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