Monday, July 23, 2018

People do business with people they...

If you're in business, then you probably know the rest of the saying. If not, it goes "People do business with people they know, like and trust".

However, that's only part of it...people do business with people they know, like and trust...IF they remember you!

Unless you do business with a close friend, you'll probably eventually forget the name of the person that you did business with no matter how good you thought their product or service was.

In order to not become good ol' wutzizname or wutzername, you need to keep your name in front of your current and former customers. And the best way to do that is through consistent follow up. It's been said that for every month you don't interact with a customer or client, you lose ten percent of your influence with them. After just a few months, you'll become a distant memory. Which is not good if you'd like to do business with them again...or hope that they'll refer business to you.

An easy and inexpensive way to follow up in a memorable way is to make a list of your top 100 customers, former customers and/or prospects and to send them a greeting card every month. It'll probably take a little time to come up with your list but after that it'll only take a few minutes to send out a card to everyone on your list every month.

I'll be glad to help you set up your list and to get your cards sent out every month. Just let me know, either by commenting on this post or by email.

So remember, people do business with people they know, like and trust...IF they remember you!

Interesting days

Today - Peanut Butter and Chocolate DayGorgeous Grandma Day and International Yada, Yada, Yada Day

Tomorrow - Tequila Day, Drive-Thru Day, Tell An Old Joke Day and Cousins Day

Next Monday - Cheesecake DayPaperback Book Day and Father-in-Law Day

August  23 - Ride the Wind DayValentino DayBurger DayCuban Sandwich Day and Sponge Cake Day

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