Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The introvert’s way to get presentations

This is from an email that I got from Tom "Big Al" Schreiter:

How would we like an unlimited number of people asking us, "What do you do for a living?"

Wouldn't it be nice? Our prospecting challenges would be over.

All we would have to do is recite our prepared "Ice Breaker" answer. Imagine, instead of accosting strangers, running expensive ads, or irritating people with telephone cold-calls, we could do all our prospecting by answering the prospects' question: "What do you do for a living?"

So, how do we get an unlimited number of prospects to ask us, "What do you do for a living?"

It's easy. We simply first ask them, "What do you do for a living?"

No matter whether we meet a person in an elevator, or sit next to a person on an airplane, or just make an acquaintance at a social gathering, this simple question works like magic. Our prospects' eyes dilate. They get excited. They get to talk about themselves. And what's the number one, most interesting subject to our prospects? That's right. Themselves. They love to talk about themselves.

Not only will our prospects tell us about their work, but they'll give us blow-by-blow details of their last operation, the seamy details of their personal lives, their aspirations, their favorite sport teams, and their precise view on politics. All we have to do is listen as the prospects drone on and on about their boring, non-network marketing lives.

Then, what happens when the prospects finally run out of breath? Out of courtesy, they usually ask us the question, "So, what do you do for a living?"

That's just the opportunity we have been waiting for. We give the prospects our benefit-laden "Ice Breaker" description of our business opportunity or special product or service and observe.

We wait for our prospects to say, "Hmmm, that's interesting. Tell me more."

That is our signal to continue with our interested prospects.

Some prospects will say, "Oh, that's nice. We sure have had a lot of bad weather lately." That is a hint. These prospects aren’t interested. We simply move on and talk to someone else.

So how many qualified prospects do we want?

The number of prospects who ask us what we do for a living is directly proportional to the number of prospects we ask, "What do you do for a living?" So, if we want to have 10 prospects ask us, "What do you do for a living?" … all we have to do is ask 10 prospects that same question. If we want 15 prospects, ask 15 prospects the same question.

Not only is asking this question effective prospecting, but it is also lots of fun. Since many prospects won't feel a need for our product or opportunity, we will have the opportunity to learn about many new occupations, hear interesting true life stories, and meet a variety of colorful people. And that's just the downside to using this technique.

The upside is we will find many ready, willing, and able prospects just looking for our opportunity or product benefit. These prospects will gladly set aside time for a presentation at their home or at a formal business opportunity meeting. These are the type of prospects we want. We won't have to beg them to go to a meeting. They want what we offer.

This simple question really is a win-win opportunity. The prospects get an audience for their life stories and we get the opportunity to sort for qualified leaders. Life doesn't get much better than this.

Interesting days

Today - Another Look Unlimited Day, World Samosa Day, Be Late For Something Day, International Day of Charity and Cheese Pizza Day

Tomorrow - Fight Procrastination Day and Read a Book Day

Next Tuesday - Chocolate Milkshake Day and Video Games Day

October 5 - World Teachers DayChic Spy™ Day and Country Inn Bed & Breakfast Day Do you have a favorite bed & breakfast?


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