Monday, August 21, 2017

Why money can't buy happiness

They say there are two things that money can't buy: happiness and love.

In this post I'm going to concentrate on happiness.

So, why can't money buy happiness? Doesn't having everything you want make you happy? Often, it's just the opposite...having stuff doesn't make you happy but if you believe it does you may end up buying more stuff to try to make yourself happy which doesn't make you happy, so you buy more stuff and on and on in a vicious cycle.

If money doesn't buy happiness, what does? Time.Time buys happiness. Many of the things that make us happy require time, not money.

Spending money on your kids doesn't make you happy, spending time with them does.

Spending money traveling doesn't make you happy, spending time traveling does.

These are a couple of the why's that make people cry...especially if it's traveling to spend time with family.

I'm sure there are others, but these examples are the ones that popped into my head when I started thinking about this post.

But can money buy you time? If you spend your money properly, it's possible to "buy" time and by extension to buy happiness.

According to an article in The Telegraph:
New research suggests that using money to buy more free time - such as paying for a cleaner or cook to take the daily chores off your hands - does actually improve well-being.
In contrast, spending money on possessions does little to improve happiness.
"People who hire a housecleaner or pay the kid next door to mow the lawn might feel like they're being lazy," said study lead author Dr Ashley Whillans, assistant professor at Harvard Business School who carried out the research.
"But our results suggest that buying time has similar benefits for happiness as having more money."
As I wrote about previously, it's much better to have time freedom as opposed to financial freedom. Although having both is even better! I also wrote that if you have to earn money when you're awake, the only time you get to live your life is when you're asleep. You need to reverse that so that you can earn while you're sleeping and live your life when you're awake. And the only way that most people can do that is by way of leveraged, residual income...just the type of income that network marketing provides.

Interesting days

Today - Spumoni DayPoet's Day and Older Peoples Day

Tomorrow - Eat A Peach DayTake Your Cat to the Vet DayPecan Torte Day and Be An Angel Day

Next Monday - Crackers Over The Keyboard DayCherry Turnover Day, Race Your Mouse Around The Icons DayRainbow Bridge Remembrance DayRadio Commercials Day and Bow Tie Day

September 21 - Miniature Golf Day, World Alzheimer’s Day, International Day of Peace and World Gratitude Day

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