Thursday, March 31, 2016

30 day challenge

Why are 30 day challenges so popular? Like I wrote about back in August of last year, it's just about the right length of time to create a new habit...or change an old one. You can also do almost anything for 30 days. Except planking. I've tried 3 times to do planking for 30 days. It ain't gonna happen!

Well, since April has 30 days and I'm somewhat settled into my new place, it seems like a good time for another 30 day challenge. What will it be? Planking? No, it'll be 30 days without soda. Something that's good for me and I'm pretty sure I can accomplish, since I've done it before. Although I never worked at making it a habit...I just did it to complete the challenge, but maybe it's time to consider making it a habit.

Check out this video from TED Talks:

And then comment below to let everyone know what you'll do (or won't do) for the next 30 days!

Interesting days

Today - Eiffel Tower DayWorld Backup Day, Bunsen Burner Day and Crayola Crayon Day Time to get out your adult coloring books. If you don't have any, check this out:

Detailed Description:

Let your mind travel to a galaxy far far away. Whether you choose to be on the light side or the dark side, creativity will always be on your side. With this 32 page coloring book and crayons you'll experience Star Wars like you never have before. May the force be with you.

Or check out our other coloring books here.

April 31 - Yay...there is no April 31st!

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