Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I had planned on blogging about something else today but my plans changed about an hour ago. My original plan was to blog about the 3rd Annual Hump Day Happy Hour Speed Networking event at Laptop Lounge. I went to a different speed networking event a year or so ago, it was ok. Got a bunch of business cards, did some followup but not much else. This time I was going to use Casey Eberhart's speed networking strategy. Maybe at the 4th Annual Hump Day Happy Hour Speed Networking event.

Anyway, the reason that I can't go is because somebody else at my AT&T J.O.B. didn't do their job correctly, so I couldn't do my job. So, instead I have to go into work early tonight in case the work gets completed and I can do my part.

As many of you may already know J.O.B. stands for

If you're like most American's you spend the first 65 years of your life at the just over broke level. Your parents were probably just over broke when you were growing up. Then you went out and get your own J.O.B. And when you finally retire it gets even worse. A job is also known as the 40-40-40 plan where you work 40 hours a week for 40 years to retire at 40% of the income that you couldn't live on before.

The problem with a job is that most employers pay just enough to keep the employees from quitting and the employees do just enough work to keep from getting fired.

Another meaning of J.O.B. which I first heard from Casey Eberhart is Jerked Outta Bed, which is what happens when your alarm clock goes off at some ungodly hour.

Interesting days

Today - Which is what I do. Actually it's more like second and a half shift since I generally start at 7:30 or 8:00 PM, although there were many years that I started at 11:00 PM or 12:00 AM. It's also

Tomorrow - As if golfers need another excuse to get out on the links. Fore! And it's

A 1 and a 2

Next Wednesday - I do like strawberries. Plain, dipped in chocolate or in strawberry shortcake. It's also The Imperial (non-metric) system, used in the US has some interesting units…such as a league or furlong. Or an older unit of measure…the cubit. And did you know that the mile was originally equal to 1,000 steps of marching Roman soldiers? And what about weights? Why is an ounce both a unit of weight and a unit of fluid volume? And why is it abbreviated oz? According to Wikipedia:
The abbreviation "oz" derives from the Italian word onza (now spelled oncia).
 And it's Don't forget to sign up for the Millionaire Money Game. The next game begins on July 6.

June 13 - which is immediately followed by on the 14th. Which is not to be confused with on May 16 or on August 25. 

Bourbon is a type of whiskey that gets its name from Bourbon County, Kentucky, where it originated. Bourbon tends to be amber-colored, and a little sweeter and heavier in texture than other whiskeys.
And bourbon can only be made in the US per international agreement.

It's also and You can celebrate both by sewing some doll clothes 

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