Friday, March 20, 2015

Why is it so hard for people to see the benefits of network marketing?

I think part of it may be because of our industrial age education system. What do I mean by that? Our schools were designed for one thing…to create obedient factory workers. From the very beginning we are taught to obey, without questioning, authority. We can ask questions about the subject matter, if needed, but we can never question the authority figure. We are taught how to be in close proximity to people we may not know, or even like. We learn to sit and do repetitive tasks without fidgeting. We are trained to respond to the same bells used in factories to know when we need to be somewhere. And we're taught useful skills like reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic.

Now don't get me wrong. I have a huge respect for teachers! And schools do provide a needed service but I do think that they're outdated.

One reason that the arts are always in danger is pretty much summed up by this photo which was posted on Facebook by one of my friends:

The first four reasons are great, however the last one teaches thinking outside the box, and that goes completely against the original purpose of our schools.

What happens if you're not able to do all those things listed in the first paragraph? Originally, you were beaten into submission. But when corporal punishment was abolished you were suspended and possibly expelled. But today, our kids are being drugged into submission. I never fit in. I hated school with a passion. However, I wasn't one to cause trouble. In elementary school, I spent more time in the nurse's office, trying to go home, than I spent in class. If I really didn't want to go to school, I had a secret weapon…Pepto Bismol. My mom said we could stay home if we had a fever or were throwing up. Pepto Bismol made me throw up…so all I had to do was say "Mom, my tummy hurts", get some Pepto Bismol and stay home. I eventually stopped doing that in junior high and high school. I still hated school, although there were a few classes that I enjoyed, but those were definitely the exception. I did the least amount of work to keep from getting in too much trouble. However, my parents and teachers were always disappointed in my lack of motivation.

So, back to my original point, network marketing requires out of the box thinking. There is no 40 hour work week enforced by a boss. There is no guaranteed paycheck. But there is employment for life, which used to be promised by the industrial age employment system. But we're not in the industrial age anymore and we're starting to see those old industrial age jobs disappearing. There is no lifetime employment, there is no pension after you retire…if you can ever afford to retire. There is no respect for the worker. In network marketing, there are no guarantees either, but you are your own boss and if you really work your business it is possible to succeed and to succeed quite well. You just have to unlearn everything you were taught in school!

Interesting days

Today - I guess I should finally meet one today. And if you time it properly, you can celebrate both and Actually, I'm pretty sure if you do the first, the second is quite likely to follow. I've never heard of the following holiday, but we don't really get any snow in this area. It's also Strings or Olive Garden for dinner? What do you think? And last, but definitely not least: Do something today that makes you happy!

Tomorrow - Sounds like a trip to Wienerschnitzel may be in order. And it's also Do you remember when it was actually common? I have a lot of respect for single parents…it's tough enough with 2 parents! Enjoy,  you deserve it! Do something memorable, it's And how about a baguette (or 2), and some butter for

Next Friday - Okay all you country music fans, it's And it's also I've never had any, so this may be a good excuse to venture out to one of the Hispanic restaurants in the area

April 20 - I think I'll celebrate by having some Chinese food. One from column A, one from Column B...

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