Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Which of the following is your retirement plan?

A. "Would you like fries with that?"
B. "Would you like a cart while shopping at Walmart?"

Even if, or especially if, you're planning on living on your 401k you'll need extra income.

The whole selling point of the 401k was that you'd be in a lower tax bracket when you retire. But many, if not most, retirees are finding themselves in the highest tax brackets of their lives and without their mortgage or dependent deductions they were used to. These people are often taking on jobs just to be able to pay their tax bills.

The 401k was designed by the government to be able to continue collecting taxes after people retire and no longer have any income to be taxed. It was NOT designed to help out the taxpayer.

What if there was a third option?

C. Own your own business?

Now, many of your normal expenses are at least partially deductible; your rent or mortgage, your cell phone bill, your Internet provider, meals, travel, entertainment and more.

But what if you don't make any money? That's ok. Your expenses may be able to offset your income from other sources.

I'm not a tax lawyer or accountant, so I can't give you any advice. But check with a professional to find out how a home based business applies to your personal situation.

And contact me to find out about a home based business that may suit you.

PS Yes, this was another recycled blog post. I mean an encore performance!

Interesting days

Today Pecans are very tasty. What's your favorite kind of nut? And it's What's your favorite Tolkien book? It's also And I'm preparing to celebrate on the way home from work

Tomorrow - Sounds like a good day for a 3 Musketeers bar. And on a healthier note, it's I do like a good spinach salad. It's also What would your holiday be? And it's I think I might still have a purple shirt somewhere

Next Wednesday - I'll have to make up for not getting any French bread on French Bread Day last week. And and that's my 2 cents worth on that subject. It's also among others. What do you do for fun?

April 25 - No, not macaroni...Marconi, as in Guglielmo - the inventor of radio. In honor of this I invite you to turn up the radio in your car while driving. It's also I've celebrated this a couple of times. You can usually find someplace having astronomy day festivities.  And Hopefully they're not showing any butt crack at the time. And lastly. and, among others.

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