Thursday, March 26, 2015

Success comes in cans

I saw this on Facebook yesterday and it inspired this blog post:

Ever since we were children we were taught the power of positive thinking. Who can forget "The Little Engine that Could"? As long as you believe in yourself, and put in the work, you can accomplish difficult tasks. Unfortunately, most people forget the second part and think that all you need to do is 

but it's not quite that easy.

I don't believe in the law of attraction as much as I believe in the law of attention. The law of attraction basically states that if you believe in something enough the "universe" will provide it to you, while the law of attention will provide opportunities based on what we pay attention to. I'm sure we've all bought a new car, or even taken a test drive, and now we see those cars all over the road. These cars weren't suddenly manifested because we bought or drove one, but we now notice them because our attention has now shifted to that car. It's the same with success. It doesn't occur because we want it to, it occurs because we think about it and then act upon the opportunities that we are presented with because of the focus of our attention.

So, to be successful you need to think positive thoughts, focus your attention on what you want and put in the work to make it happen.

And speaking of success, here's one of my favorite definitions:

Interesting days

Today - Unfortunately, my purple shirt isn't hanging up in my closet…maybe next year! I wonder if my boss will give me the day off if I make up my own holiday? I'm going into work several hours later tonight, but Sweet Tomatoes closes at 9:00, so I should be able to get there in time. And it's Yum!

Next Thursday - Maybe I'll go to the local produce stand and hug the manager. It's Take the time to read to your kids or grandkids today. Would you tell a lie, even if it was ok on this one day? And I may have to break down and buy some bread, peanut butter and jelly for

April 26 - There's a whole lotta shakin' goin' on How do you like your pretzels? Plain? Dipped in hummus? Dipped in chocolate? Both? It's also Here's the video that Danny and I did for "The Best Job in the World".

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