Thursday, March 25, 2021

Mission and vision...and purpose statements? #TBT

Today's blog post was originally published two years ago:

I've talked about mission and vision statements a few times before, but what is a purpose statement?

What is the difference between Purpose and Mission? The easiest way to understand it is to know that a purpose is the reason which initiates a process. Nothing can be achieved without a purpose or goal in mind, and a mission is the guiding force that helps to follow that purpose. It is only with a set mission in mind that we follow the path that we have chosen for ourselves.
The purpose is "why" we do something, whether in business or in our personal lives.

Also, from TheyDiffer:
When we talk about purpose, we talk about having something in mind that we want to achieve.  On the other hand, when we talk about mission, we talk about what we do, why we do it and how we do it so that the audience is able to connect with it and understand the guiding force behind that mission which is in most cases, our purpose. 
Mission and purpose are mostly used for business as they help to define the reasons for an organization’s processes and its goals to the consumers. A mission statement is a written pronouncement of an organization’s precise focus that may shift with the passage of time with changes in the market and environment.  On the other hand, a purpose statement presents the fundamental reason that drives an organization and motivates it to achieve its business goals. 
It is important to know that purpose goes much deeper and stays till the end as it is the core reason why an organization is working. It would not be wrong to say that it is its reason for being and doing.  Whether it is for personal reasons or for corporate ones, mission and purpose statement play a key role in keeping focused in the right direction and navigating challenges most capably.

Comparison Chart

It is a statement of doing somethingIt is a statement of how to accomplish a vision or a purpose
Purpose is deciding to go ahead with a taskThe mission is following that task to completion
Purpose guides the taskMission drives and encourages one to complete the task
Purpose explains the “why” in doing somethingMission states the “what” and “for whom” for accomplishing a task
In business it means the fundamental reason for which the organization exists.In business it means the organization’s focus which may change with time.
Your mission is who you are or what you do, the purpose statement is why you do it, and your vision is who you want to be or what you want to do in the future.

Eric Worre, in his Go Pro Academy, has completed 2 sessions of a 10 part series on social media, where he's talked about personal branding. In it, he says to figure out your passion and build your brand on that. And to include in your bio "On a mission to..." whatever your passion might be.  Your ultimate purpose is to build your network marketing business but you do that by connecting with your tribe through your passion and your mission.

You can join Go Pro Academy for a 14 day trial for only $1 and that includes a signed copy of his Go Pro book, shipped anywhere in the world for no additional charge.

Here's another take on purpose, mission and vision from Aespire:
I receive a daily email from In The Company of Prayer, with insights from business leaders on how their faith impacts their companies and business relationships.
A recent email from the executive editor Leslie Bianco concluded with the following statements:
  • WHY: We're here to guide each other that one step further along a personal journey.
  • WHAT: By revealing a Knowing Presence where you may not expect to find it.
  • HOW: Through our Morning Briefing workday emails, book series, social media, conversations and personal interaction.
Do you recognize these three statements for what they are? Let's change out a couple of words:
  • Why Purpose: We're here to guide each other that one step further along a personal journey.
  • What Vision: To reveal a Knowing Presence where you may not expect to find it.
  • How Mission (Strategy, the path to purpose): Through our Morning Briefing workday emails, book series, social media, conversations and personal interaction.
When you begin any journey, you subconsciously have an inner conversation around these four questions:
  • Why am I going to a particular destination?
  • How will I get there?”
  • What will it be like when I arrive?”
  • “Who will I see when I arrive?”
Without realizing it, you worked within a purpose-driven framework.
Purpose focuses on four elements of impact:
  • Why do you believe you can make a difference? — Purpose needs a reason.
  • Who do you work to impact? — Purpose needs people.
  • How do you achieve the impact? — Purpose needs a plan.
  • What will impact look like when you achieve it? — Purpose needs vision and impact.

Tomorrow, we'll take a look at goals, wishes and dreams, and on Wednesday I'll see if I can tie this all together.

Eric Worre's offer is no longer valid.

Interesting days

Today - Waffle DayTolkien Reading Day and Pecan Day

Tomorrow - Good Hair DayPurple DaySpinach DayMake Up Your Own Holiday Day and Nougat Day

April will be Poetic Earth MonthStress Awareness MonthActive Dog MonthSummer Tire Changeover MonthPoetry MonthCouple Appreciation MonthJazz Appreciation MonthDecorating MonthStraw Hat MonthGarden MonthParkinson’s Awareness MonthMonth of the Military ChildAutism Awareness Month and Adopt A Ferret Month

Next Thursday - Fun DayTell A Lie DayOne Cent DayReading Is Funny Day and Sourdough Bread Day

April 25 - Pinhole Photography DayFinancial Independence Awareness Day World Penguin DayHug A Plumber DayMalaria DayAnzac DayDNA Day and Zucchini Bread Day

Week long celebrations:

Apr 25 - May 1: Go Diaper Free Week


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