Thursday, September 6, 2018

Dream like a kid again #TBT

Today's blog post was originally published 2 years ago:

When we were little we were encouraged to use our imaginations and that we could be whatever we wanted to be when we grew up. We could be ballerinas, princesses, cowboys, astronauts, the president of the United States or even princess ballerinas or cowboy astronauts. However, over the years our dreams were discouraged and we were forced to fit into the corporate/education complex mold.

Our educational system is a breeding ground for future corporate employees, and when the current school systems were created we were trained to be factory workers. We learn to move from place to place as the bells ring, we are taught to sit in one place for hours at a time and we learn to endure brain numbing work.

Even though the workplace has changed over the past 100 years, the educational system still turns out factory workers but unfortunately there aren't as many factory jobs left. If you go onto college, there are more opportunities to get away from factory jobs but now people are trained for white collar jobs.

There are still classes that you can take that don't funnel you into the corporate world but you can't get a job with most of those certificates or degrees.

By the time we get out of school, most of our dreams have faded away and we're left with the "American Dream"...a steady job; a spouse and 3.2 kids; a house with a white picket fence with a mortgage (which literally means "death pledge") and trying to figure out how to pay off our student loans, which are another kind of "death pledge" because you rarely make enough money to pay off your student debt.

We all know deep down that there's more to life than that but we're afraid to dream because once we enter school our dreams are either frowned upon or laughed at unless they line up with the "American Dream".

But what if we start dreaming like a kid again? What if we have dreams about becoming an astronaut? If you want to be an astronaut you can join the Virgin Galactic program. How about president of the United States? Well, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But what if you dream of travel, adventure, romance? Then think outside the box. Color outside the lines. Quit being a rat and get out of the rat race. There are ways to learn to dream again and to finance your dreams, and one of the best ways to accomplish both is through a home based business.

If you'd like to learn more about the opportunity that I'm involved with, just email me.

Interesting days

Today - Fight Procrastination Day and Read a Book Day

Tomorrow - Bring Your Manners To Work DaySalami DayLazy Mom’s DaySuperhuman DayBuy a Book Day and Beer Lover’s Day

Next Thursday -  Fortune Cookie DayPeanut DayRoald Dahl DayProgrammers’ DayKids Take Over The Kitchen DayDefy Superstition DayPositive Thinking Day and Celiac Awareness Day

October 6 - Noodle DayMad Hatter Day and Badger Day

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