Tuesday, April 25, 2017

More meetings mean more money

That's something that Steve Schulz, the President of Field Operations for SendOutCards, says quite often. I don't know if that saying originated with him, but I first heard it from him.

What does it mean? I think that answer comes in two parts. First, the more meetings that you can attend personally, the better it will be for your business, whether it's some kind of training event, a fun getaway with team members, attending a meeting that another team member is hosting or a local event of your own, it will help you grow. Secondly, the more guests that you have at these meetings, the better. When people experience first hand the excitement, camaraderie and fun, the more likely they are to want to join your business.

The remainder of this blog post is going to be very SendOutCards specific, but a lot of it can and will apply to other businesses...whether network marketing or another type of business.

About 100 SOC executives, distributors, customers and friends just came off a 4 day cruise to Mexico. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go this year. But it involved a lot of the kinds of meetings above. There were several formal training sessions, including some "MLM Blueprint" training by SendOutCards founder and CEO, Kody Bateman. Kody hasn't offered this training for awhile, although the book is available in the SOC bookstore. My SendOutCards sponsor, Gregory Festo, did do some MLM Blueprint training before he moved to Florida a few years ago. Of course the cruise was also a fun getaway with team members and there were plenty of small, impromptu meetings. And since there were only 100 SOC people on a ship that carried 2700 passengers, there were probably a few curious people who managed to find out more about SOC.

On a phone call yesterday, some details about the 2018 SendOutCards International Convention were announced. Tickets are on sale now for $299, which includes the closing party which used to be sold separately. But discount tickets are available. My upline, Mark Herdering, has a pack of 50 tickets to sell for only $249 each...a $50 savings! If you'd like to purchase a discounted ticket, let me know and I'll get the info from Mark.

There are many other SOC events coming up, large and small, including my weekly opportunity meetings and training sessions. Please join me for one (or more) meetings. There will be donuts and coffee. Contact me for location info. Because more meetings mean more money.

Interesting days

Today - DNA DayMalaria Day and Hug A Plumber Day

Tomorrow -  Help A Horse DayInternational Guide Dogs DayGolf DayWorld Stationery DayHug an Australian DayGet Organized DayPretzel DayAdministrative Professionals Day and Richter Scale Day

Next Tuesday - Baby Day and World Asthma Day

May 25 - Tap Dance DayGeek Pride Day and Towel Day

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