Thursday, January 16, 2020

The 12 days of follow up - Day 10 #TBT

Today's blog post was originally published three years ago:

We're now entering our final week of following up!

One of the best ways to follow up with your clients or prospects is to buy from them, if at all possible. It may be difficult if they are a realtor and you're not in the market to buy or sell, but even then you can send referrals to them.

Especially if they're a small business or network marketer, you should buy from them whenever possible. Get your insurance from the insurance agent who had enough faith in you to become your customer, buy your household products from the network marketer who needs the money to live on and will really appreciate your business month after month, as opposed to Walmart where I'm sure the Walton family appreciates you adding to their billions of dollars of net worth, but they don't really care about you or your business.

Buy your greeting cards from the SendOutCards distributor you know, your household products from the person who sells Melaleuca, your makeup from Mary Kay or Avon, get your legal advice through LegalShield, save money on your energy with Ambit Energy. Buy and sell your real estate with the realtor who buys from you, get your insurance from the agent who is your customer or prospective customer. Whatever you need, buy it from someone who does business with you or that you would like to do business with you.

Remember to buy from a local business whenever possible.

And if you haven't downloaded the SendOutCards app, go ahead and do so. It's free and if you're not already a SendOutCards customer or distributor the first three cards that you send are on me!

Here are the links to the posts in this series on the 12 days of follow up:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6 
Day 7 
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12

Interesting days

Today - Nothing DayWomen’s Healthy Weight DayReligious Freedom DayAppreciate A Dragon Day and International Hot and Spicy Food Day

Tomorrow - Ditch New Year’s Resolutions DayKid Inventors’ Day and Cable Car Day

Next Thursday -  Handwriting DayPie Day and Measure Your Feet Day

February 16 - Almond DayInnovation DayTim Tam Day and Do a Grouch a Favor Day

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